"Banks, L A - Vampire Huntress - Between The books 1-14" - читать интересную книгу автора (Banks L. A)УIТm not him.Ф
Both men looked at each other for a moment. УNo,Ф Shabazz said. УBut if you werenТt who you are, heТd be cinders, feel me? You got purpose. We all do. ThereТs something good coming for you, too.Ф Shabazz tilted his head and allowed his hand to more tightly grip JoseТs shoulder. Jose turned slightly to stare at the hand that had a slight blue-white current prickling his skin, and then stared deeply into ShabazzТs eyes, watching the elder GuardianТs pupils open within his dark brown irises. УYou reading, man? Or just trying toЧФ УShush,Ф Shabazz said and closed his eyes. УYou been living with Marlene too long,Ф Jose murmured, trying to joke off the hurt. But Shabazz abruptly opened his eyes and locked his gaze with Jose. УWhen you were younger, something happened. Lock onto that; figure it out. ThatТs your source of joy, where you been off path.Ф Shabazz let his hand fall away. УI canТt feel it all the way, serious shaman energy is encoded in it, but itТs positive energy that blocked your initial direction because it wasnТt time. Would have made you miss the team hook up. Soon.Ф УThanks, man,Ф Jose whispered. His gaze went back toward Damali and an old memory kindled within him. It was elusive, so fleeting, but his heart fought to remember it. There was a name eating at the edges of his mind, but each attempt to grasp it, made it slip away into obscurity. Someone else had been first in his heart, he could feel it, but that now seemed like another lifetime long agoЕ like Tara had slipped from Rider, she, too, was gone from him. УThis isnТt the first time me and Carlos been through this drama. ThatТs all I know.Ф JoseТs gaze searched ShabazzТs wise eyes, and then roved over toward Father Lopez. УHeТs in it, too, manЕ but, I canТt put my finger on it.Ф УBecause now ainТt the time,Ф Shabazz said, his tone mellow and philosophical as his attention went back to the team huddle. УNot when all hell is about to break loose.Ф ShabazzТs locks began to crackle with audible static electricity and Jose watched as Shabazz spun away from him in what appeared to be slow motion, synced up with Big Mike at the same moment Carlos scrambled to his feet and began screaming. * * * Three nights later in BrazilЕ Kamal walked through his team lines, his distended upper and lower canines making it impossible for him to fully close his jaw. His eyes flared with outrage, glowing gold as he looked down at the dead entity at their feet. Pure agitation had made him begin to pace. He could no longer sense MarleneТs presence on the planet, and the mere thought that she could have been vanquished in battle made the carnage he stood over seem all the more futile. УA lupine-demon? In our lands of the jaguar? How!Ф he demanded, looking at his battle bulked team. Thick ropes of muscular tension kneaded beneath his shoulders as he stalked back and forth. УThis full moon is different,Ф Drum muttered, looking at the beheaded creature that also had several silver tipped arrows protruding from its barrel chest. УIt didnТt burn.Ф Drum looked up at Kamal, his eyes flickering with a deep, coppery glow. УOur team is stronger, but so are our enemies.Ф KamalТs gaze scanned the horizon and then settled on his men. They were stronger, indeed. Each man was a half a hand taller than normal. The thing at their feet was well outside of its North American zone. It smoldered slowly leaving a dank, sulfuric haze and hadnТt immediately burst into cinders when the first arrow struck it. Ahmed tilted his head to the side and sniffed, then crouched low to inspect the were-demon remains that would soon fully ignite. He stared into the opened abdominal cavity that had been butchered by DrumТs machete before KamalТs weapon took off the head. The thing at their feet hadnТt fed first. Ahmed glanced at the team; they understood. Their attacker had been in a rush, in too much of a hurry to follow the basic laws of survivalЧfuel then fight. Why? УToo large for a run of the mill rogue. This is a searcher, Senate level.Ф УA Senator, alone, as a searcherЧthink about it, mon! That makes no sense!Ф Kamal stalked away, his long dreadlocks held by a leather band swept across his agile back while he angrily sheathed his machete, his eyes studying the moon for an answer. Electricity crackled in the eerie silence around him. Marlene, baby, where are you? Before now, she had always heard him, always sent a gentle pulse to let him know she was all right. But nothing echoed back to him from the darkness except a withering howl that fractured the night and made his team freeze where they stood. УThere are more of them,Ф Drum said carefully, his huge six-foot eight frame loping toward Kamal. УWe must move, or die.Ф Kamal jerked his attention around to address his comrade. He sniffed the air, and peered at the trail that the were-demon from the wolfen clans had followed. УHe sought what is no longer here. The dark Guardian and the Neteru.Ф The team nodded. Kamal smiled. Moonlight glinted off his protruding upper and lower canines. УSome of us may die, but this is a wonderful night to fight.Ф DrumТs eyes held an urgent plea of anticipation as the group waited for Kamal to decide. |