"Dibdin, Michael - Aurelio Zen 02 - Vendetta UC - part 07" - читать интересную книгу автора (Dibdin Michael)Friday, 11.15-14.20 While the archives section presented a slightly more animated appearance during office hours than on Zen's previous visit, it could by no means have been described as a hive of activity. True, there were now about a dozen clerks on duty, but this manning level had evidently been dictated by some notional bureaucratic quota rather than the actual demands of the job, which wa:i being carried on almost entirely by one man. He had a neurotically intense expression, compulsive, jerky movements, arid the guilty air of someone concealing a shameful secret. Unlike the others, he couldn't just sit back and read the paper or chat all morning. If there was work to be done, he just couldn't help doing it. It was this that made him a figure of fun in his colleagues' eyes. They watched him scurry about, collecting and dispatching the files which had been ordered, sorting and reshelving those which had been returned, cataloguir.g and indexing new material, typing replies to demands and queries. Their looks were derisory, openly contemptuous. They despised him for his What could you do with people like that? Still, he had his uses. As on his previous visit, Zen asked to consult the file on the Vasco Spadola case. While it was being fetched, he called to the clerk who had been on duty the last time be had been there. The man looked up from the crossword puzzle he was completing. 'You want to speak to me?' he demanded, with the incredulous tone of a surgeon interrupted while perform- ing an open-heart operation. Zen shook his head. 'You want to speak to me. At least, so I've been told. Something about a video tape.' An anticipatory smile dawned on the clerk's lips. 'Ah, so it was you, was it? Yes, I remember now!' The other clerks had all fallen silent and were watching with curiosity. Their colleague strode languidly over to the counter where Zen was standing. 'Yes, I'm afraid there's been a slight problem with that tape, dottore.' 'Really?' 'Yes, really.' 'And what might it be?' 'Well it might be almost anything,' the clerk returned |