"Alan Dean Foster - With friends like these." - читать интересную книгу автора (Foster Alan Dean)



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A Del Key Book
Published by Ballantine Books
Copyright ┬й 1977 by Alan Dean Foster
All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the
United States by Ballantine Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New York, and simultaneously
in Canada by Ballantine Books of Canada, Ltd., Toronto, Canada.
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 77-6132
ISBN 0-345-28242-6
Manufactured in the United States of America
First Edition: December 1977 Third Printing: November 1978
First Canadian Printing: January 1978 Cover art by Michael Whelan

"With Friends Like These...," copyright ┬й 1971 by The Conde" Nast Publications, Inc., for Analog
Science Fiction, June 1971.
"Some Notes Concerning a Green Box," copyright ┬й 1971 by August Derleth for The Arkham Collector,
Summer 1971.
"Why Johnny Can't Speed," copyright ┬й 1971 by UPD Publishing Corp; for Galaxy Science Fiction,
September-October 1971.
"The Emoman," copyright ┬й 1972 by UPD Publishing Corp. for Worlds of IF, October 1972.
"Space Opera," copyright ┬й 1973 by Knight Publishing Corporation for ADAM Magazine, February 1973.
'The Empire of T'ang Lang," copyright ┬й 1973 by Ballantine Books, Inc., for The Alien Condition.
"A Miracle of Small Fishes," copyright ┬й 1974 by Random House, Inc., for Stellar #1.
"Dream Done Green," copyright ┬й 1974 by Terry Carr for Fellowship of the Stars.
"He," copyright ┬й 1976 by Mercury Press for The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, June
"Polonaise," copyright ┬й 1975 for Beyond Time, by Alan Dean Foster.
"Wolfstroker," copyright ┬й 1977 by Alan Dean Foster. A substantially different version appeared in
Coq, March 1974.
"Ye Who Would Sing," copyright ┬й 1976 by Avenue Victor Hugo for Galileo Magazine, Number 2.

For JoAnn, who has my future,
I give now a little of my past, with love

With Friends Like These...
Some Notes Concerning a Green Box
Why Johnny Can't Speed
The Emoman
Space Opera
The Empire of T'ang Lang