"Foster, Alan Dean - Flinx - Bloodhype" - читать интересную книгу автора (Foster Alan Dean)Repler place, we should have facilities which can at least be expanded to
provide a place where this thing can be properly handled and analyzed." "Won't that be rather risky?" put in Paayton "Attempting to work in secret right under the sensors of the humans and thranx?Ф "Quite likely," replied Carmot. "However, until we know a great deal more about it, I do not wish this thing trans?shipped to a nesting planet It is an unknown quantity of awesome possibilities." "Another feeling?" said Laccata. "That as well. I am suspicious of anything that can survive on several thousand cluvits of bare rock, on a planet on which nothing else lives, yet clearly could support other life. I'm suspicious of anything organic that's thinner in places than my claw?tips, yet can take the continuous application of high?intensity beaming. Yes, another feeling," "Your imaginings begin to approach those you ascribe to your fifth?grade assistants, Observer. Still, I see no reason to deny any of your requests. I'll leave that to higher authority." "I think that's very just of you, Exalted Captain. And very wise." The Vom had restored facilities sufficient to assess the beings who had happened upon it. The minds were simple, yet far from primitive. In its weakened state the Vom doubted its ability to control even a single one of the species, let alone the shipful. Now was the time to move, oh, so very carefully! P?a?t?i?e?n?c?e. It had waited half a million years now, give of take a few millennia. It was aware of itself, and that gave it strength. It could wait a few days more. Russ Kingsley was in the mood for it. And when Russ Kingsley was in the mood for it, he usually made out quite well. First oft he was almost classically handsome. He knew he was. It said so on his guarantee from the cosmeticians. They'd done an excellent job. It was one that few folk could afford. Kingsley's father, who was one of the five richest men on Repler, had given Russ the new face for his eighteenth birthday. He was satisfied with his present 180 cms, although he wished the surgeons could have added another 10 or so. Still, no need to be greedy. The face |