"FWLS33" - читать интересную книгу автора (A Future We'd Like to See)

usually annoying high pitched Murflan giggle. "That's hard


We touched down outside the HappiWerld hotel complex five
minutes later. One good thing about Kneebiter, he certainly was

As usual, the locals were stunned by the clunky gadgets and
weapons we were toting. The only one that stood his ground was
our contact, the local chief of police.

"You guys are the Space Patrollers we called for?" he asked,
with a clear sense of doubt.

"Yeah, that's us. Team Spearmint. Mac, team leader and
weapons expert."

"Y'ipp, Trainee," the newbie piped in with. Well, at least
he was on the ball with the introductions.

"Brat, mecha expert and token female," I introduced,
extending a cyber-assist hand for shaking. Nobody offered to
shake back. Good thing too, I hadn't fully read up about this
weird arm thing I was testing... I could probably crush a few
arms if I try.

"Kneebiter, pilot, is still on board," Mac continued. "So
what's the problem?"

"Umm, why are you guys carrying so much, well, gear?" the
chief asked, pointing out the various guns, shield, and
mechanized assists we were sporting. "I thought Patrollers
travelled light."

"We're the experimentals," I said, turning my head in the
newly designed combat helmet with nightscope. "Team Spearmint.
It's a pun, real cute stuff. If they have an new, potentially
dangerous equipment, we get it first to work the kinks out."

"If you've got a problem with that, we can always go home
and say you refused the Patrol's services," Mac offered, standard
reply to anybody foolish enough to doubt us.

"NO!" the chief protested. "I mean, no. You'll do. The
terrorists are on the fifth floor, and they've got the Governor
hostage. They want fifteen thousand gallons of rocky road before
they'll talk."