"FWLS33" - читать интересную книгу автора (A Future We'd Like to See)

"Lemme guess, drama states the newbie gets to push the
button to save the others?" Y'ipp laughed.

"Don't bank on drama," I snapped. "Too many of these ready
to rumble recruits assume crap like that. Don't."

"Alright, alright, just making a lame joke already," Y'ipp
protested. "Come on, let's get inside."

Y'ipp pushed the doors apart and walked in, without much of
a care.

"STOP!" Mac yelled after him. "Not so fast! Just 'cuz the
scans clean doesn't mean there isn't something there. Wait for
the rest of the team already."

"Alright, alright," Y'ipp said, powering down the leg gear
to an idle status. "Hurry up."

"Turn your volume down," Mac ordered the kid, who promptly
tweaked the knob to SILENT. "Alright, now get whatever killing
things they've given you ready. We've got one shot, so be
precise, and avoid that corner. There're three of them. I'll
take the middlemost, Brat will handle the right, and you handle
the left. Now, up the stairs."

We took the stairs slowly, my mind predicting ahead of time
how the trip would go. It's weird, those feelings of deja vu,
but I have been in a situation like this before... South Bank.
This trip was a bit more uneventful... nothing of real note... up
to the door.

"Alright. I take it out in one shot with the acid splasher
I've got, then you two get ready to make your hits. Use whatever
targeting gear you have. Ready?"

"Wait," I said, grasping for that odd feeling again.


"Nevermind. On the count of two?" I suggested.

"Why two?" Y'ipp asked, powering up his guns.

"It's quicker that way. One, two."

The green splash flicked out, somewhat like really corrosive
urine, and the door melted clean away. The three terrorists
inside were pretty stunned making them easy targets. Mine went
down with a laser, cut neatly in half. Mac's got a minirocket.