"Ron Goulart - Looking Into It" - читать интересную книгу автора (Goulart Ron)

show signs of going blooey in the head he's been spending almost every evening at that nudie bistro."

"And so have I," said Phil. "Now I don't get to watch Melissa more than twice a week."

"Don't I let you listen to everything the concealed mikes, in her cottage over in Marin, pick up? Don't I
let you look at all the film footage her cat sends in?"

Phil said, "Melissa's an awfully bright girl, Gabbo. I don't see why she hasn't figured out that the cat is a
fake, a clever mechanical simulacra of her Sluggo. Unless . . ."

"Unless she's completely innocent," suggested the computer.

"Well, I can't say this to most of my superiors in the National Security Organization, Gabbo," said Phil.
"Sal Kibbs, the West Coast Director of NSO, is convinced that Melissa is some kind of Brazilian agent.
For no reason really."

"She's sleeping with Professor Dolan."

Phil looked down at the white formica floor of his office. "Yes, I saw the footage on that. Still, that
doesn't mean she's a spy for Pro-Brasil. It doesn't necessarily make me jealous even, Gabbo. Because
actually Melissa's never even met me. Except for the times when I pose as a substitute lecturer at Marin
JC and take over her graduate course in Pop Culture 201. You can't expect her to fall for me in that

"She fell for Dolan and he's a lecturer at the college too."

"But Dolan is a Brazilian spy. She has to fall for him."

"You said you thought she wasn't involved in espionage."

Phil looked across his black-and-white office at the black-and-silver computer. "Well, I don't know,
Gabbo. Sometimes during a war it's hard to think straight. Especially these South American wars. When
we had the war with Chile, back in 1980, I was still in junior high and things seemed a lot simpler. Now
we're fighting in Brazil and the Brazilians have got this Pro-Brasil spy network and apparently Professor
Manuel Dolan is working for them and he's trying to get the secret of a new weapon out of Doctor
Hopely, who heads the Disease Weaponry Lab at Marin JC. And Sal Kibbs is convinced Melissa Marcas
is also working for Pro-Brasil and will probably serve as a courier if Dolan does get the weapon info out
of Hopely. But she's so pretty and innocent looking. Fragile, yet vital. Usually I like blondes. The two

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Looking Into It

girls I was engaged to were both blondes."

"Love knows no boundaries," said Gabbo.

"The thing is," said Phil, "I know so much about Melissa. Where she grew up, all about her parents, her
immunization records, her high school grades, her dental patterns. I've even seen X-rays of her."