"Frank Herbert - Dune 4 - God Emporer of Dune" - читать интересную книгу автора (Herbert Brian & Frank)

"Use a bit of it to pay the Tleilaxu for the new ghola. The rest of it can go
into our stores here in the crypt."
"Lord." Moneo acknowledged the orders with a nod, a gesture which was not quite
a bow. His gaze met Leto's.
Leto smiled. He thought: We both know that Moneo will not leave without
addressing directly the matter which most concerns us.
"I have seen the report on Siona," Moneo said.
Leto's smile widened. Moneo was such a pleasure in these moments. His words
conveyed many things which did not require open discussion between them. His
words and actions were in precise alignment, carried on the mutual awareness
that he, of course, spied on everything. Now, there was a natural concern for
his daughter, but he wished it understood that his concern for the God Emperor
remained paramount. From his own traverse through a similar evolution, Moneo
knew with precision the delicate nature of Siona's present fortunes.
"Have I not created her, Moneo?" Leto asked. "Have I not controlled the
conditions of her ancestry and her upbringing?"
"She is my only daughter, my only child, Lord."
"In a way, she reminds me of Harq al-Ada," Leto said. "There doesn't appear to
be much of Ghani in her, although that has to be there. Perhaps she harks back
to our ancestors in the Sisterhood's breeding program."
"Why do you say that, Lord?"
Leto reflected. Was there need for Moneo to know this peculiar thing about his
daughter? Siona could fade from the prescient view at times. The Golden Path
remained, but Siona faded. Yet ...she was not prescient. She was a unique
phenomenon . . . and if she survived . . . Leto decided he would not cloud
Moneo's efficiency with unnecessary information.
"Remember your own past," Leto said.
"Indeed, Lord! And she has such a potential, so much more than I ever had. But
that makes her dangerous, too."
"And she will not listen to you," Leto said.
"No, but I have an agent in her rebellion."
That will be Topri, Leto thought.
It required no prescience to know that Moneo would have
an agent in place. Ever since the death of Siona's mother, Leto had known with
increasing sureness the course of Moneo's actions. Nayla's suspicions pinpointed
Topri. And now, Moneo paraded his fears and actions, offering them as the price
of his daughter's continued safety.
How unfortunate he fathered only the one child on that mother.
"Recall how I treated you in similar circumstances," Leto said. "You know the
demands of the Golden Path as well as I do."
"But I was young and foolish, Lord."
"Young and brash, never foolish."
Moneo managed a tight smile at this compliment, his thoughts leaning more and
more toward the belief that he now understood Leto's intentions. The dangers,
Feeding his belief, Leto said: "You know how much I enjoy surprises."
That is true, Leto thought. Moneo does know it. But even while Siona surprises
me, she reminds me of what I fear most-the sameness and boredom which could
break the Golden Path. Look at how boredom put me temporarily in the Duncan's
power! Siona is the contrast by which I know my deepest fears. Moneo's concern