"William W Johnstone - Ashes 16 - Vengance in the Ashes (txt)" - читать интересную книгу автора (Johnstone William W)

The team silently made their way into the rocky ravine and worked around
until they were behind the outlaws' position.

"Do we ask for their surrender?" Pilipo asked in a whisper.

Buddy smiled. "We did, last night. We only ask once." Buddy took a
fire-frag from his harness and held it up for the others to see. Within
seconds, all the team held fire-frags in their hands. "Now," Buddy said,
releasing the spoon and chunking the grenade in a deadly arc.

"Grenades!" the shout sprang from the thickness of green.

24 The vegetation-thick knoll erupted in fire and shrapnel as the
mini-Claymores blew. Wild screaming and howls of pain followed. One
outlaw, apparently unhurt, ran from the carnage and was cut down,
stopped in his tracks and flung backward from the many rounds that tore
into him. The Rat team lay silent, waiting to see if the combat would
draw others.

No one came to investigate. "Check it out," Buddy said.

The woman slipped to the blood-splattered rise and seconds later called,
"Come on."

"Six-man teams," Buddy said, squatting down beside the torn body of an
outlaw. A walkie-talkie lay beside the body. It was on, the volume
turned down low. Buddy motioned his team to rest and he wiped the blood
off the handy-talkie and wrapped a bandanna around the cupped mouthpiece
to muffle his voice and waited.

"Jocko," the voice sprang out of the speaker. "What's happenin' over there?"

"Pinned down," Buddy replied, opening and closing the talk switch,
deliberately breaking up the transmission. "Come help us."

"You're breakin' up bad. How many?"

"Looks like about ten."

"On the way. Stay loose. We'll come in from the north."

"Drag that dead man up here with the others," Buddy ordered. "Then get set."

Pilipo looked at Buddy and smiled. "You are a tricky one, Buddy."
"You have to be when you're always outnumbered. No noise now."

The outlaws walked into it. When they got within talking distance, the
leader called, "Jocko? You okay?"