"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 06 - A Time Of Omens" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

They had reached a low rise, dropping gently down in front of them to another wide and grassy plain,
crisscrossed with tiny streams and dotted with thickets of trees. Off on a far horizon in a gathering mist Jill
could just make out a rise of towers, all white stone flecked with the occasional glint of gold, as if some
mighty city stood there. Although Evandar had talked of many roads, she could only see one, meandering
through the plain like a stream. He seemed to hear her thought.

тАЬItтАЩs all in the walking, which road you end up traveling. They all do look alike at first. Come along, weтАЩll
just head down past those gray stones, there.тАЭ

Now that he pointed them out, Jill could indeed see the boulders, shoving themselves clear of the earth
about halfway down the rise. As they strolled past, she noticed that the stones seemed worked, shaped
into flat slabs with some crude tool, and arranged into a roughly circular ring.

тАЬWe turn here, I think,тАЭ Evandar said.

The sun turned brighter by a sudden streamside, all dappled with coins of gold light and bordered with a
spill of yellow wildflowers. Even though it seemed they had traveled a long way, Jill could still hear the
mutter of the invisible ocean.

тАЬAnd what of the sea roads? Do all ships sail on that sea I hear over there somewhere?тАЭ She waved
vaguely in the direction of the sound. тАЬIs there a harbor where all sailors come to port?тАЭ

тАЬThere is, truly. Again, if they can find their way to it. If. Your ancestors sailed that sea when Cadwallon
the Druid brought them free of slavery and defeat in the land they calledGallia. But, of course, you know

тАЬWhat?тАЭ Jill stopped walking and turned to him. тАЬI donтАЩt know in the least. What are you saying?тАЭ

Evandar tossed his head back and laughed.

тАЬCadwallon was a splendid man, if a bit dour at times. I knew him well, my lady. Now, if only youтАЩd
come take the hospitality of my hall, thereтАЩs many a tale I could tell you.тАЭ
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When Jill wavered, Dallandra intervened, shooting a scowl in his direction.

тАЬDonтАЩt listen to him, Jill. YouтАЩve not got years and years of idle time to waste over a goblet of mead.тАЭ

тАЬYou are a harsh one, my love.тАЭ But Evandar was laughing. тАЬUnfortunately, you speak true, and it would
be too unscrupulous even for me to tempt our guest further. Look, see where the sunтАЩs breaking through?
I think me that it shines on the island youтАЩre looking for.тАЭ

The mist ahead opened like a door and let through sunlight in a solid shaft. As they came close Jill felt the
steamy heat of a tropical day streaming out to meet them.

тАЬA thousand thanks, Evandar. Dalla, will I see you again?тАЭ