"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 06 - A Time Of Omens" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

Before Marka could say anything more, Keeta came up behind her, grabbed her elbow, and steered her
away from the campfire. Arguing with enormously tall Keeta, who was as strong as two average men,
was a waste of time.

тАЬIf youтАЩre going to learn how to catch a flaming torch,тАЭ she said, and firmly, тАЬyouтАЩve got to start

They walked to the edge of the sea cliff and stood for a while, looking down at the waves rising higher
and higher on the graveled beach. Far off at the horizon the sea made a line like a stretched wire,
perfectly flat and landless. Sail far enough to the south, or so Marka had always been told, and youтАЩd
come to an enormous waterfall, pouring down into the fiery underworld where the sea boiled off. The
water rose again as clouds of steam to make the rain and start the cycle all over again.

тАЬYou donтАЩt really want to give me a lesson now, do you?тАЭ Marka said at last.
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тАЬWell, yes, actually I do.тАЭ Keeta grinned, a flash of white teeth in her dark face. тАЬBut I also happen to be
sick of hearing you fight with your mother.тАЭ

тАЬThat woman is not my mother, thank you very much.тАЭ

Keeta sighed sharply.

тАЬWell, how much older than me is she, anyway? Four years, five? How do you expect me toтАФтАЭ

тАЬI donтАЩt expect you to do anything.тАЭ Keeta held one huge hand up for silence. тАЬExcept to try not to
make things worse. Listen, I know she lords it over you. She lords it over everyone, doesnтАЩt she? But
weтАЩre in a very bad position, stuck here at the edge of nowhere. Your father wonтАЩt even talk about
money. IтАЩm willing to bet that thereтАЩs not a lot left to talk about.тАЭ

All at once Marka felt sick to her stomach. She sat down in the scruffy grass and stared fixedly out to
sea. After a few minutes Keeta hunkered down next to her with a dramatic sigh.

тАЬYouтАЩre old enough to know these things now. If the audience gives you special tips, keep them hidden,
will you? Dont turn them over to your father. IтАЩm doing the same. We might all need a few extra coins if
weтАЩre ever going to seeMainIslandagain.тАЭ

тАЬAll right.тАЭ

тАЬI wonder whatтАЩs he doing with it?тАЭ Keeta got up and stretched. тАЬSpending it all onher ?тАЭ

тАЬProbably.тАЭ Marka felt the ice-knowledge again, slicing down her spine. You should tell her, she
thought, you should tell her the truth right now. Saying the words aloud would mean admitting the truth to
herself, as well.

After a long moment Keeta sighed and shook her head.