"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 06 - A Time Of Omens" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

тАЬWell, letтАЩs practice. Some sticks of driftwood are what we want, something unbalanced like the

As Marka followed her down to the beach, she was feeling like the worst coward in the world. But IтАЩve
got to be sure. I canтАЩt tell anyone till IтАЩm sure. That, at least, was her excuse.

A good sessionтАЩs practice with a friend turned Marka as sunny as the day, but when they got back to
the campground, she found her father awake, or just barely awake. He came stumbling out of the tent,
yawning hugely, rubbing his sticky eyes, and glancing round him with a stupid sort of smile that made him
look like a stunned ox. Hamil was as tall as Keeta, and much stockier, a handsome man with his wide
black eyes and full mouth, his close-cropped curly hair just touched at the temples with distinguished
gray. But just lately heтАЩd been looking old, his eyes often distant or glazed, his speech slow, and heтАЩd
been putting on a flabby kind of fat round the middle.

тАЬMarka?тАЭ Hamil said. тАЬDid you work over the market?тАЭ

тАЬYes, just about an hour ago. There were only two acts to worry about. One has apes and monkeys,
and thereтАЩs nothing we can do about that. And then thereтАЩs this juggler, but heтАЩs just a single player. IтАЩve
never seen anybody throw scarves the way he does. HeтАЩs really fantastic.тАЭ
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тАЬOh, really?тАЭ Orima said with a simper. тАЬMaybe we should prentice you out to him.тАЭ

Marka opened her mouth for a smart reply, but she noticed Keeta, standing behind her father and
stepmother and shaking her head grimly.

тАЬHe could teach us all something,тАЭ Marka said instead. тАЬThe best thing is, heтАЩs a barbarian. A real
northern barbarian.тАЭ

тАЬA draw in itself.тАЭ With one last yawn Hamil ambled over to the fire circle and sat down on a low stool
near his wife. тАЬHuh. Wonder if he wants to join up with a bigger outfit. We could use a new draw.тАЭ

тАЬIf heтАЩs that good, he doesnтАЩt need to split his take with anyone.тАЭ Keeta came forward and joined the
circle. тАЬMaybe we should try monkeys.тАЭ

тАЬSmelly things. And they bite,тАЭ Orima broke in. тАЬAnd they leave messes all over. ItтАЩs all that fruit they
eat. I wouldnтАЩt want them in my troupe.тАЭ

тАЬIf you ever get your own troupe,тАЭ Marka snapped. тАЬYou can decide then.тАЭ

тАЬMarka!тАЭ Hamil and Keeta snapped in unison. Hamil went on alone. тАЬYou apologize to your

тАЬFor what?тАЭ

Hamil got up, raising one broad hand.