"Katherine Kerr - Deverry 08 - A Time Of Justice" - читать интересную книгу автора (Kerr Katherine)

Rhodry raised his hand and touched the dagger to his mouth, stood there narrow-eyed and speechless
while Enj goggled and Arzosah made the long rumbling noise that did her for a laugh. Rhodry turned on
her with a snarl.

'Oh stop your cackling, Wyrm! Why didn't you tell me you could speak the language of men?'

'You never asked, Dragonmaster.' She stopped rumbling, but he suspected her of doing whatever it was
dragons did when they smirked. 'So. Evandar isn't real flesh and blood, is he? I never would have
guessed it.тАЩ

'I said hold your tongue!' Rhodry flung his hand up to make the ring flash. She whined and crouched like
a kicked dog. 'Oh, my apologies. I shouldn't be taking it out on you.тАЩ

'A harsh man, but a just one.тАЩ She relaxed with a toss of her massive head. 'I could be enslaved by

There remained Enj. It took Rhodry a long moment to make himself look his friend in the face.

тАШThat wretched wyrm,тАЩ Enj said. 'Pretending she couldn't understand a word I said, making you babble
back and forth like an ambassador!'

Rhodry let out his breath in a sigh. The matter, he knew, would stay closed between them from now on.
He sat down again and leaned back against his bedroll.

'And what or who is this Evandar fellow?' Enj said.

'I'm not truly sure. He has the ears and eyes of a full-blooded elf, but I've been told by sorcerers that
he's naught of the sort. Riddles, indeed!' Rhodry spat into the fire. They say he's some kind of spirit
who's never been born, and that he lives in some kind of magical country that lies beyond the world, not
that it's floating in the air or suchlike - just "beyond", they say. None of it makes a bit of sense to me,
curse them all! But Evandar's got dweomer, all right, the way other men have blood running in their

The dragon clacked her fangs in a sound that, he suspected, did duty as a snicker.
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'Indeed?' Enj considered for a long while. 'Do you think he'd know where Haen Marn's gone off to?'

'I've no idea, but I suspect that if anyone does, it'd be him. Maybe I'll get a chance to ask him.' Rhodry
shot the dragon a murderous glance. 'And no smart remarks from you.'

Arzosah curled her paw and contemplated her claws, but he could have sworn she was smiling.

After a few hours' troubled sleep they woke at dawn. Arzosah clambered to her feet and stretched her
wings, throwing huge shadows over the entire campsite, then folded them back and waddled down to the
river to drink, which took a while because she lapped water like a cat rather than sucking like a cow. The
men sat by the ash of their dead fire and shared stale flatbread and a strip of venison jerky.