"Laumer, Keith - Retief of the COT" - читать интересную книгу автора (Laumer Keith)

pushed around by local hoodlums is even less satisfying than being exploited from afar." "Indeed so," Prinkle agreed. "In the case of foreigners one can always gain a certain relief by hurling descriptive epithets, mocking their outlandish ways, and blaming everything on their inherent moral leprosyўan awkward technique to use on one's relatives." The landlord returned, beaming, with a quart-sized wooden container topped by a re- spectable head. Relief raised it in salute and drank deep. "And if what my nephew o'erheard be any indication," Uncle Binkster went on, wiping foam from his whiskers, "the worst is yet to come. Hast related all to our benefactor, lad?" "Not yet. Uncle." Prinkle turned to Relief. "I was sweeping up crumbs in the VIP break- fast room, my mind on other matters, when I heard the word 'Tsugg' bandied among the company still sitting at table. I cocked an
auricle, thinking to hear the scoundrels roundly denounced, only to catch the intelligence that their chief, that brawling bravo Hoobrik, rep- resenting himself to be spokesman and natural leader of all Oberon, withal, hath demanded audience of His Impressiveness, Ambassador Clawhammer! 'Twas but natural that I under- took to disabuse Their Lordships of this im- RETIEF OF THE CDT 17 pertinent notion, accidentally overturning a pot of chocolate in process thereofў" "Alas, my nephew is at times too enthusi- astic in his espousal of his views," Uncle Binkster put in. "Though 'tis beyond dispute, in this instance he was sorely tried." "In sooth, so was His Honor, Mr. Magnan, when the cocoa landed in his lap," Prinkle admitted. "Happily, 'twas somewhat cooled by long standing." "A grotesque prospect," Uncle Binkster ru-