"Drunk, am I, you old sot!" the Choob yelled,
overturning the table as he leaped up, grab-
bing for the hilt of his foot-long sword. "I'll
ha' a strip o' thy wrinkled hide for that
allegationў" His threat was cut off abruptly
as a tankard, hurled from across the room,
clipped him over the ear, sending him reeling
into the next table, whose occupants leaped
up with indignant shouts and flailing fists.
"Gentlemen, time, time!" the landlord
wailed, before diving behind the bar amid a
barrage of pewter. Retief finished his beer in
a long swallow, and rose, looming over the
battle raging about his knees.
"A pleasure, gentlemen," he addressed the
room at large. "I hate to leave such a friendly
gathering, but Staff Meeting time is here."
"Farewell, Sir Retief," Prinkle panted from
under the table, where he grappled with a
pale-furred local of about his own weight. "Call
around any time for a drop and a bit of friendly
political chat."
"Thanks," Retief said. "If things get too slow
in the frontline trenches I'll remember your
As Retief entered the conference roomўa
converted packing room in the former ware-
house temporarily housing the Terran Mis-
sion to the newly liberated planet Oberonў
First Secretary Magnan gave him a sour look.
"Wellўhere you are at last. I'd begun to
fear you'd lingered to roister with low com-
panions in your usual manner."
"Not quite my usual manner," Retief cor-
rected. "We'd barely started to roister when I
remembered Staff Meeting. By the way, what
do you know about a fellow called Hoobrik
the Uncouth?"