"Julian May - The Golden Torc" - читать интересную книгу автора (May Julian)In the Milieu, all persons with great mental powerтАФhuman
and nonhumanтАФwere bound in a benevolent Unity, incapable of any selfish action that would harm civilization. But bereft of the Unity ... Elizabeth felt as though she were the only mature adult cast away in a world of childrenтАФand malicious children at that, who would seek to use her. This must not be permitted. Elizabeth was roused from her reverie of despair by the necessity of rescuing Sukey. This young woman, who also had redactive power, had gone snooping into the mind of uncon-scious Stein. Discovering his longstanding psychic hurts, Sukey tried inexpertly to drain them. Only Elizabeth's intervention prevented the deeply traumatized Viking from crushing his would-be healer into imbecility. Temporarily postponing non-involvement, Elizabeth began to teach Sukey proper techniques so that she would not harm herself or the man she was growing to love. Before the trip south concluded, Sukey was able to bring Stein genuine relief from mental dysfunctions that had plagued him from childhood. Stein in turn reached out and pledged himself to her. Their two minds, operating on the most intimate telepathic level of his gray, and her silver, torc, took each other for husband and wife. Such a union, Creyn had warned, was forbidden to silver-torc women on pain of death;.but the lovers hid their secret well. No one knew the truth but Elizabeth. Colored Land was pro-foundly different. He gloried in both. In Roniah, he was the star of a rowdy debauch and the darling of insatiable Tanu women. Later, he and his new crony, Raimo, assumed the illusory forms of butterflies and took an impromptu tour of the riverside city. This ended with the partial destruction of the Roniah dock as part of a metapsychic practical joke. Creyn programmed what he thought was a firm curb upon the trickster's metafunctions. However, as the journey length-ened, it became evident that AikenтАФself-confessed Connect-icut Yankee in King Arthur's court, mechanical genius, recidivist delinquent, charmer, wearer of a golden suit with a hundred pocketsтАФwas something far out of the ordinary run of latent metapsychic. The mental powers that had been chained in his skull for twenty-one years of misspent youth were of incredible file:///F|/My%20Shared%20Folder/May,%20Julian...ene%20Exile%202%20-%20The%20Golden%20Torc.txt (9 of 232) [1/15/03 7:52:21 PM] file:///F|/My%20Shared%20Folder/May,%20Julian%20-%20Pliocene%20Exile%202%20-%20The%20Golden%20Torc.txt potential. Elizabeth saw this clearlyтАФand so, to a more limited extent, did Creyn. The boat carrying the travelers plunged over a torrential slope, la Glissade Formidable, into the prehistoric Mediterra-nean |