"Julian May - The Golden Torc" - читать интересную книгу автора (May Julian)

was in ruins, the Tanu population was slain or had fled, and
the enslaved human inhabitants were faced with a choice that,
for some, was oddly difficult: Live free or Die.
Richard awoke in Hidden Springs and discovered Martha's
body laid out in the Lowlife chapel. Remembering the promises
they had made, he took her up and stumbled to the still-op-erational
flyer. Madame and Claude were going to recover,
and no doubt the old woman would press ahead with her scheme
to free humanity. But not Richard. He had a plan of his own.
Waving farewell to Amerie, he launched the gravo-magnetic
craft into an orbit thousands of kilometers above Pliocene Earth
and began to wait.
Far below, Felice was trudging through the forest toward
smoking Finiah. She was too late for the war, but somehow
or other she would find a golden torc in the ruined city and
fulfill her promise to take the Tanu.
The other four members of Group Green encountered an
utterly different face of the Many-Colored Land.
Six weeks earlier, The Tanu overlord, Creyn, had mounted
his chaliko and departed Castle Gateway. With a minimal escort of three soldiers, he had led
Elizabeth, Bryan, Aiken Drum,
Stein, Sukey Davies, and Raimo Hakkinen along the track
toward the Rhone River. As they traveled, the Tanu man told
these privileged prisoners something of the wonderful life that
awaited them. They would take ship at the riverside city of

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Roniah, and after a journey of five or six days arrive in the.Tanu capital, Muriah. There Stein
would be healed of the
injuries suffered in his escape attempt. Aiken and Raimo and
Sukey would learn how to use the metafunctions made newly
operant by their silver torcs. Bryan would assist in a cultural
analysis project that had been initiated by the Tanu King him-self.
And Elizabeth... her destiny would be the most splendid
of all. Never before had the time-gate admitted a genuinely
operant human metapsychic to the Many-Colored Land. (It was
prohibited by Galactic statute.) Elizabeth's mind might be con-valescent,
but when she recovered, her farsensing and redactive
abilities would far exceed those of any Tanu Great Ones. Creyn,
himself a skilled redactor, was humbly aware that her probing
and healing powers dwarfed his own. Elizabeth would not
receive the common initiation. No, she would go to the Ship-spouse
who was the guide and guardian of both exotic races;
she would go to Brede.
The exotic healer's promises only filled Elizabeth with fear
and dismay. There was a good reason why the Galactic Milieu
forbade operant metapsychics to pass through the time-gate.