"China Mieville - King Rat" - читать интересную книгу автора (Mieville China)


file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/China%20Mieville%20-%20King%20Rat.txt (21 of 422) [10/15/2004 2:24:56 PM]

diorama. All their faces were turned to him. One held
a roll of tape covered in crime scene warnings, a tape
he was stretching around stakes in the ground, circumscribing
a piece of the earth. Inside the chosen
area he saw one man kneeling before a dark shape on
the lawn. The man was staring at him like all the
others. His body obscured the untidy thing. Saul was
swept past before he could see any more.

He was pushed into one of the cars, lightheaded
now, hardly able to feel a thing. His breath came very
fast. Somewhere along the line handcuffs had been
snapped onto his wrists. He shouted again at the men
in front, but they ignored him.

The streets rolled by.

They put him in a cell, gave him a cup of tea and warmer clothes: a grey cardigan and corduroy
trousers that stank of alcohol. Saul sat huddled in a
stranger's clothes. He waited for a long time.

He lay on the bed, draped the thin blanket around

Sometimes he heard the voice inside him. Suicide, it
said. Dad's committed suicide.

Sometimes he would argue with it. It was a ridiculous
idea, something his father could never do. Then it
would convince him and he might start to hyperventilate,
to panic. He closed his ears to it. He kept it quiet.