"China Mieville - King Rat" - читать интересную книгу автора (Mieville China)

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Thank you to everyone who read this in the early
stages. All my love and gratitude go to my mother,
Claudia, for all her support, always: and to my sister,
Jemima, for her advice and feedback.

Deep love and thanks to Emma, of course, for

My heartfelt thanks to Max Schaefer, who gave me
invaluable criticisms, hours of word-processing help,
and great friendship during a generally rubbish year.

I can never thank Mic Cheetham enough. I am
incredibly lucky to have her on my side. And thanks
to all at Macmillan, particularly my editor Peter

I owe too many writers and artists to mention, but
respect is especially due to Two Fingers and James The.
Kirk for their novel Junglist. They blazed a trail. Many
thanks also to Iain Sinclair for generously letting me
keep the metaphor I accidently stole from him. Jake
Pilikian introduced me to Drum and Bass music and
changed my life. Big up to all the DJs and Crews who

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provided a soundtrack. Awe and gratitude especially
to A Guy Called Gerald for the sublime Gloc: old,
now, but still the most terrifying slab of guerrilla bass
ever committed to vinyl. Rewind.