"China Mieville - King Rat" - читать интересную книгу автора (Mieville China)

file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/China%20Mieville%20-%20King%20Rat.txt (7 of 422) [10/15/2004 2:24:56 PM]

A London Sometin'...

file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/China%20Mieville%20-%20King%20Rat.txt (8 of 422) [10/15/2004 2:24:56 PM]


file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/China%20Mieville%20-%20King%20Rat.txt (9 of 422) [10/15/2004 2:24:56 PM]

I can squeeze between buildings through spaces you
can't even see. I can walk behind you so close my
breath raises gooseflesh on your neck and you won't
hear me. I can hear the muscles in your eyes contract
when your pupils dilate. I can feed off your filth and
live in your house and sleep under your bed and you
will never know unless I want you to.

I climb above the streets. All the dimensions of the city
are open to me. Your walls are my walls and my ceilings
and my floors.

The wind whips my overcoat with a sound like
washing on a line. A thousand scratches on my arms
tingle like electricity as I scale roofs and move through
squat copses of chimneys. I have business tonight.

I spill like mercury over the lip of a building and
slither down drainpipes to the alley fifty feet below.
I slide silently through piles of rubbish in the sepia

file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/China%20Mieville%20-%20King%20Rat.txt (10 of 422) [10/15/2004 2:24:56 PM]