" Perry Rhodan 0021 - (2c) Menace of Atomigeddon" - читать интересную книгу автора (Perry Rhodan)

The Stardust now embarked on its preliminary task: to deprive the enemy of its military


The tone of Marshall SirowтАЩs voice reflected no respect whatsoever and Fedor A. Strelnikow,
member of the Supreme Council and First Secretary, who was entitled to such respect, didnтАЩt
seem to miss it. The latest news was too peculiar for anyone to insist on etiquette.
тАЬKaraganda, Schulba, Tschyrgaki, Irkutsk, Chita, Blagoyeshchensk,тАЭ Strelnikow murmured
in vexation. тАЬDonтАЩt you notice something?тАЭ
Instead of an answer Marshall Sirow took a ruler and put it on the map. Connecting
Karaganda and Blagoyeshchensk with a straight line, it became apparent that Schulba,
Tschyrgaki, Irkutsk and Chita were either on this line or only a few kilometres away.
тАЬThe texts of the resolutions are almost identical,тАЭ Strelnikow continued. тАЬCessation of
armament, negotiation with the New Power and resumption of discussions with the
governments of the other blocs with the goal of establishing a unified administration on Earth.тАЭ
He looked up from the note he held in his hand. тАЬWhat do you think of it, Marshall?тАЭ
Sirow shrugged his shoulders.
тАЬYou must have derived some conjectures,тАЭ Strelnikow insisted.
Sirow opened his mouth as if to say something. Then he closed it again with an angry gesture
of his hand.
тАЬWhat is it?тАЭ Strelnikow demanded.
Sirow pointed at the map. тАЬIt looks as if somebody flew along the route from Karaganda to
Blagoyeshchensk and hypnotized all persons. ThatтАЩs the only explanation I can think of. DonтАЩt
blame me if you think itтАЩs foolish but you insisted on hearing my opinion.тАЭ
Strelnikow didnтАЩt scoff. тАЬDo you believe,тАЭ he asked hoarsely, тАЬthat our foe has such methods
at his disposal that all he has to do is to fly once across our country to provoke a revolution of
more than 400 million men within a few hours?тАЭ
тАЬIтАЩm forced to make this conclusion,тАЭ Sirow replied, sweeping his hand across the map. In
his mind he extended the line to the coast of the Tatar Straits between Sakhalin and the Siberian
mainland. Which city was located on this extension? Komsomolsk!
Strelnikow followed SirowтАЩs eyes. тАЬYou mean Komsomolsk?тАЭ he asked.
Sirow nodded and they remained silent for a minute.
The telephone rang. Sirow picked up the receiver and handed it to Strelnikow, who answered
it and listened. Sirow heard a tinny telephone voice but was unable to understand a word. He
saw that Strelnikow turned pale and his hand trembled when he put the receiver down. тАЬYouтАЩre
wrong, Marshall,тАЭ he said. тАЬWe didnтАЩt get a resolution demanding peace and negotiations from
тАЬNo. The troops and the people of Komsomolsk are in mutiny and have cut off the city from
the rest of the nation!тАЭ


On the evening of the same day the Supreme Council in Moscow adopted a decision to
repulse the threat of the New Power with all means at hand.
With all means meant declaring war on the whole Earth.
Only in this manner could they hope to induce the gigantic spaceship, which drew a narrow
strip of revolution and mutiny across the vast territory of the Eastern Bloc, to deviate from its