"Mike Resnick - Frankie the Spook (2)" - читать интересную книгу автора (Resnick Mike)writings."
"Where that toad ghosted _my_ work?" repeated Bacon incredulously. "This really is too much to bear!" Suddenly he stared intently at Marvin. "Is _that_ what you propose to write?" "No." "You're quite sure?" "Quite." Bacon glared at him distrustfully. "What _is_ the subject of your book, then?" "Well, I had heard you mention it, and it was the first thing that popped into my mind, and--" "What is it?" "The life of King Henry IX." "That's not _my_ idea, you fool!" snapped Bacon. "It's that idiot Shakespeare's." "Well, if you feel you can't handle it..." "It's not that I _can't_, it's that I _won't_." Bacon was absolutely motionless for a moment, his eyes fixed on some distant point that only he could see. "For one thing, I'd have to write Queen Elizabeth out of the history books." He paused, and then snickered. "I never did like her very much anyway." He seemed lost in contemplation for a long moment. "Actually, I could turn it out in less time than the last one, since I'd be working within my own _millieu_..." "Will you?" file:///D|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry/D...ike%20Resnick%20-%20Frankie%20the%20Spook.txt (5 of 10) [2/24/2004 10:54:47 PM] file:///D|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry/Desktop/New%20Folder/Mike%20Resnick%20-%20Frankie%20the%20Spook.txt "You've got decades to spare, remember?" urged Marvin. "What's a week between friends?" "We are not friends." "Collaborators, then." "Collaborators?" snapped Bacon. "If you think I'd allow _you_ to write a single word of _Henry IX_, you subliterate anthropoid..." * * * It sold seventeen million copies worldwide, and was made into a megahit movie starring Charlton Heston III as Henry and Bubbles Vancouver as Betty Jean Plantagenet (a role created expressly for the film). More to the point, it won the Hugo, the Nebula, the Nova, the Supernova, the Pulitzer, and even the prestigious Harold Robbins Award. "Listen to this!" enthused Marvin as he read the reviews to |