"Roberts, Nora - The Quinns' Christmas" - читать интересную книгу автора (Roberts Nora)

"It's no big deal."

"I decide what's a big deal around here," Cam kept a hand on Seth's
shoulder as he studied the sketch. Yes, it was clever. The boy had
talent. But more, it meant home. To all of them.

"And this qualifies. This is a very big deal. Who's it for?"

Seth shrugged. He felt warm in the belly. Not creepy, he realized, but
good. Good and warm. The three men weren't blocking him in. They
were standing with him. As they'd stood with him before.

"Just us. I was going to maybe leave it under the tree or something.
You can hang it someplace if you feel like it."

"Anna's going to cry when she sees it."

Seth looked up now. Nothing Cam could have said would have
pleased him more. "Yeah?"

"Oh yeah. Then she'll give you all kinds of sloppy kisses and, if you
play your cards right, enough cookies to keep you in a sugar coma
till New Year's."

"Pretty good deal."

"Yeah." Cam rubbed a hand over Seth's shoulder, then propped the
sketch on the counter. "It's a pretty good deal all together."

"It's snowing." Ethan said in his quiet voice. Seth bolted for the door.
Phillip managed to snag him by the collar before the boy yanked
open the door, dashed out, and tripped over his own Christmas

"No playing outside at..." He looked at his watch, groaned. "Man,
three in the morning."

"I just want to see."

"It's white stuff," Phillip explained. "It falls out of the sky and makes
the roads hazardous and ruins suede shoes."

"It's Christmas snow," Seth said frantically, and then immediately felt

"We'll check it out from the front porch."

"Better," Cam dug into the cookie jar himself. "Let's wake everybody
up and get this party started."