"Stasheff, Christopher - Warlock 04 - The Warlock Enraged" - читать интересную книгу автора (Stasheff Christopher)

" 'Tis my place, Delia!"

"Nay, Geoffrey, thou knowest 'tis not! This end of the
shelf is mine, for the keeping of my dolls!"

" 'Tis not! I've kept my castle there these several weeks!"

2 Christopher Stasheff

Rod threw down his quill in exasperation. After three
weeks of trying, he'd finally managed to get started on his
history of GramaryeЧand the kids had to choose this mo-
ment to break into a quarrel! He glared down at the page...

And saw the huge blot the quill had made.

Exasperation boiled up into anger, and he surged out of
his chair. "Delia! Geoff! Of all the idiotic things to be
arguing about! Gwen, can't you..."

"Nay, I cannot!" cried a harried voice from the kitchen.
"Else thou'lt have naught but char for thy.... Oh!" Some-
thing struck with a jangling clatter, and Rod's wife fairly
shrieked in frustration. "Magnus! How oft must I forbid
thee the kitchen whiles I do cook!"

"Children!" Rod shouted, stamping into the playroom.
"Why'd I ever have 'em?"

"Di'nit, Papa." Three-year-old Gregory peeked over the
top of an armchair. "Mama did."

"Yeah, sure, and I was just an innocent bystander.
Geoffrey! Cordelia! Stop it!"

He waded into a litter of half-formed clay sculptures,
toys, and pieces of bark twisted together with twigs and bits
of straw that served some fathomless and probably heathen
purpose known only to those below the age of thirteen.
"What a mess!" It was like that every day, of course. "Do
you realize this room was absolutely spotless when you
woke up this morning?"

The children looked up, startled, and Cordelia objected,
"But that was four hours ago. Papa."

"Yeah, and you must've really worked hard to make a