"Stasheff, Christopher - Warlock 04 - The Warlock Enraged" - читать интересную книгу автора (Stasheff Christopher)

some charcoal, laid a small fire, and got busy faking. Magnus
and Gregory crouched on either side of him, obstensibly


"This is the manner of the Grafting of it, Gregory," big
brother Magnus said softly. "Let thy mind bear watch on
mine. The metal's made of grains so small thou canst not
see them..."

"Molecules," Rod supplied.

"Aye. And now I'll make those molecules move so fast
they'll meld one to another. Yet I must spring them into
motion so quickly that their heat will not have time to spread
through the rest of the metal to Papa's hands, the whiles he
doth press the broken edges togetherЧfor we'd not wish
to bum him."

"Definitely not," Rod muttered.

Gregory watched intently.

So did Rod. He still couldn't quite believe it, as he saw
the metal spring into cherry-redness all along the crack,
brighten quickly through orange and yellow to near white-
ness. Metal flowed.

"Now quickly, cool it!" Magnus hissed, drops of sweat
standing out on his brow, "Ere the heat can run to Papa's


The glow faded faster than it had come, for Gregory
frowned at it, too; this part was simple enough for a three-

Simple! When only witches were supposed to be tele-
kinetic, not warlocksЧand even the best of them could
only move objects, not molecules.

20 Christopher Stasheff

But there the pot stood, round and whole! Rod sighed,
and started tapping it lightly with the hammer, far from
where the crack had beenЧjust for appearances. "Thanks,
Magnus. You're a great help."

"Willingly, Papa." The eldest wiped his brow.