"Stasheff, Christopher - Warlock 04 - The Warlock Enraged" - читать интересную книгу автора (Stasheff Christopher)try to speak in their defense! If you'd just make your children
toe the line, this wouldn't happen! But, oh no, you've got to let them do whatever they want, and just scold them, and that's only when their behavior's really atrocious!" Gwen's head snapped back, stung. "Assuredly, thou'rt scarce mindful of what thou sayest! 'Tis ever thou who dost plead leniency, when I do wish to punish..." "Sure, when!" Rod glared, striding toward her. "But for the thousand and one things they do that deserve spanking, and you let them off with a scold? Use your head, womanЧ if you can!" His gaze swept her from head to toe, and his lip lifted in a sneer. Gwen's eyes flared anger. "'Ware, husband! Even to thine anger, there doth be a boundary!" "Boundaries! Limits! That's all you ever talk about!" Rod shouted. '"Do this! Do that! You can't do this! You can't do that!' Marriage is just one big set of limits! Will you ever..." "Peace!" Magnus darted between them, holding out a palm toward each. "I prithee!" His face was white; he was Christopher Stasheff 4 oniioiu^nu. _.__ trembling. "Mother! Father! I beg thee!" Rod snarled, swinging his hand up again. Magnus stiffened; his jaw set. Rod swung, with his full weight behind it... ... And shot through the air, slamming back against the wall. He rolled to his feet and stood up slowly, face drained of color, rigid and trembling. "I told you never to use your 'witch powers' on me," he grated, "and I told you why!" He straightened to his full height, feeling the rage swell within him. Geoffrey and Cordelia scurried to hide behind Owen's |