"J.R.R. Tolkien - Sir Gawain And The Green Knight" - читать интересную книгу автора (Tolkien J.R.R)And sayde sothly al same segges til other,
Carande for that comly: "Bi Kryst, hit is scathe That thou, leude, schal be lost, that art of lyf noble! To fynde hys fere vpon folde, in fayth, is not ethe. Warloker to haf wro3t had more wyt bene, And haf dy3t yghonder dere a duk to haue worthed; A lowande leder of lede3 in londe hym wel semez, And so had better haf ben then britned to no3t, Hadet wyth an aluisch mon, for angarde3 pryde. Who knew euer any kyng such counsel to take As kny3te3 in cauelaciounz on Crystmasse gomnez!" Wel much wat3 the warme water that waltered of y3en, When that semly syre so3t fro tho wone3 thad daye. He made non abode, Bot wy3tly went hys way; Mony wylsum way he rode, The bok as I herde say. Now ride3 this renk thur3 the ryalme of Logres, Sir Gauan, on Gode3 halue, tha3 hym no gomen thoyght. Oft leudle3 alone he lengez on ny3tez Ther he fonde no3t hym byfore the fare that he lyked. Hade he no fere bot his fole bi frythe3 and dounez, Ne no gome bot God bi gate wyth to karp, Alle the iles of Anglesay on lyft half he halde3, And fare3 ouer the fordez by the forlondez, Ouer at the Holy Hede, til he hade eft bonk In the wyldrenesse of Wyrale; wonde ther bot lyte That auther God other gome wyth goud hert louied. And ay he frayned, as he ferde, at freke3 that he met, If thay hade herde any karp of a kny3t grene, In any grounde theraboute, of the grene chapel; And al nykked hym wyth nay, that neuer in her lyue Thay se3e neuer no segge that wat3 of suche hwez of grene. The kny3t tok gates straunge In mony a bonk vnbene, His cher ful oft con chaunge That chapel er he my3t sene. Mony klyf he ouerclambe in contraye3 straunge, Fer floten fro his frende3 fremedly he rydez. At vche warthe other water ther the wy3e passed He fonde a foo hym byfore, bot ferly hit were, And that so foule and so felle that fe3t hym byhode. So mony meruayl bi mount ther the mon fynde3, Hit were to tore for to telle of the tenthe dole. Sumwhyle wyth worme3 he werrez, and with wolues als, Sumwhyle wyth wodwos, that woned in the knarre3, |