"GL2" - читать интересную книгу автора (vol11) Elves of Kor' was changed to: 'whose queen Melian was of the
kindred of the [gods >] Valar, did the [Ekelli >] Sindar come near to match the [Elves of Tuna >] Kalaquendi of the Blessed Realm.' On the term Ekelli 'the Forsaken' and its replacement by Sindar see X.169-70. Eruman > Araman (cf. X.123, 194). 'the ancient wisdom of their race' > '... of their folk'. $86. 'What befell their spirits after death' > 'What may befall...' 'beside the Western Sea' > 'beside the Outer Sea' (see V.248, $86). $87. 'vanished from the earth' > 'vanished from the Middle-earth'. To one or other copies of the LQ 2 typescript my father made a few changes. The chapter, typed without a number, was now numbered 'XI'. 'Gnomes' was changed to 'Noldor' at each occurrence, and in the first sentence of $85 'Dark-elves' to 'Sindar'. Against $82 he wrote: 'This depends upon an old version in which the Sun was first made after the death of the Trees (described in a chapter omitted).' I have already noticed this in X.299-300, and explained why he numbered the present chapter 'XI'. He also bracketed in pencil three passages in the account of the mortality of the Elves in $85: 'Yet their bodies were of the stuff of earth... consumeth them from within in the courses of time'; 'days or years, even a thousand'; 'and their deserts'. 10. OF THE SIEGE OF ANGBAND. This chapter was numbered 8 in the QS manuscript, and the text is given in V.248-55, $$88-104. As in the preceding chapter, all post-Lord of the Rings revision was carried out on the QS manuscript: that is to say, no further revisions were made to the typescript LQ 1; and here again the late typescript LQ 2 was derived from the manuscript, not from LQ 1. In this chapter, on the other hand, by no means all the revisions made to the manuscript are found in LQ 1; and in the account that follows I notice all such cases. I do not notice the changes Eruman > Araman; Tun > Tuna; Gnomes > Noldor; Thorndor > Thorondor; Bladorion > Ard-galen (see p. 113, $44). $88. The opening passage of the chapter in QS was rewritten on a slip attached to the manuscript - this slip being the reverse of a letter to my father dated 14 November 1951: but it was not incorporated into LQ 1. The introduction of this rider led the typist of LQ 2 to ignore the fact that a new chapter begins at this point, and to type Of the Siege of Angband as all of a piece with Of Men; subsequently my father inserted a new heading Of the Siege of Angband with the number 'XII' (on which see p. 175). The new opening reads: As was before told Feanor and his sons came first of the Exiles to Middle-earth, and they landed in the waste of Lammoth upon the outer shores of the Firth of Drengist. Now that region was so |