"Владимир Коновалов. Лечение неизлечимого - новое мышление в медицине [M]" - читать интересную книгу автора

city hospital and the best clinics in the world. The only difference is the
provision of instruments, medicines and service. MEDICAL THINKING at the
level of Уif there s a disease - there s a diagnosisФ and Уno disease - no
diagnosisФ, which could really make a difference between these institutions
is basically the same everywhere.

Moreover, the crisis of medicine is only one example of a crisis of
medicine is only one example of a crisis of civilisation and the acme of a
range of global issues facing humanity, from environmental to economic,
issues on which the survival of man as a species depends.

Medicine, with the exception of its important aspect hygiene is making no
contribution to the achievement of this aim. By a multitude of its
non-physiological means and methods it cultivates new diseases, rather than
promotes humankindТs genetic health. Of course, achievements of modern
official medicine in the fields of resuscitation, surgery, combating of
epidemic diseases, grave ailments in acute form are indubitable. Another
plus is that many medicinal institutions are stuffed with new
super-instruments and pharmacies abound in Уwonder drugsФ. But, on the one
hand, a tremendous number of people feel bad though their polyclinics and
hospitals can discover no ailments; while on the other hand, it often
happens that a disease has been discovered but medicine has proved
helpless. Such ailments include psoriasis, eczema, allergies, bronchial
asthma, prostatite, ischemic heart disease, encephalopathies, grave
anemias, neurosis, peptic ulcer, menТs impotency, infertility, womenТs
masthopathies and myomas, etc.
Instead of Уhealth-oriented medicineФ official medicine has become
Уdisease-oriented medicineФ. Instead of putting man in good health, it only
removes pain and suppresses development of a disease - this is essentially
its goal and this is what its capabilities boil down to.
Regretfully, years of this approach to health have led to a situation in
modern medicine in which the emphasis is not on the doctorТs skills but on
instruments and the pharmaceutical industry, to manТs being actually
divided up between narrow specialists. The crisis of modern medicine as
disease-oriented medicine certainly does not diminish its achievements, nor
does it mean negation of narrow specialisation. But, preservation of the
METHODS and Technology of official medicine as they are today leads to a
What do we get as a result? Because we have no Уhealth-oriented medicine
we suffer from diseases. We can and must be healthy and sound. The answer
lies in an integral system medicine.
An integral approach is essentially a combination of everything best in
diagnostics and treatment methods in traditional (old Chinese, Indian),
non-traditional (modern) medicine and certain folk healing approaches. How
do we get as a result? Because we have no "health-oriented medicine we
suffer from diseases. We can and must be healthy and sound. The answer lies
in an integral system medicine.
An integral approach is essentially a combination of everything best in
diagnostics and treatment methods in traditional (old Chinese, Indian),
non-traditional (modern) medicine and certain folk healing approaches. How