"Андрей Титов. Самоидентификатор для магов" - читать интересную книгу автора─ PVT.ESOTERIC.CLUB (2:5020/3948) ───────────────────────── PVT.ESOTERIC.CLUB ─
Msg : 24 of 24 Scn From : Andrew Titoff 2:5020/621.18 ПHД 20 Июл 98 21:36 To : All ВТР 21 Июл 98 04:47 Subj : МАГИЧЕСКИЙ КОД ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── * Crossposted in RU.MAGIC * Crossposted in SU.MAGIC * Crossposted in PVT.ESOTERIC.CLUB Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Магический код использyется для краткого представления своих занятий и ориентации в магии. Пример:MTH/SH/HE S-- W-- N+ PEC>+ D A a++ C G>+ QH+(++) 666+>++ Y The Magic Code v0.93 Last modified: Wed Feb 18 12:38:12 EST ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Latest changes Pantheon: broke PWM up into PCH (Christian), PIM (Islam), and PJU (Judaism). Added PPC (Phoenician-Canaanite), PDI (Discordian), and PSG (SubGenius). Modifiers There are several ways of describing finer nuances in the Code system. The following are lifted from the Geek Code, illustrated using a fictional category X: X+++(+) Indicates you fluctuate between X+++ and X+. X+>+++ Indicates that you are X+ but aspire to X+++. X@ Indicates your X rating is too variable to really be categorized. X$ Indicates you get money because of your usage of or involvement with X. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ M - Magical Orientation In the Geek Code, a person's Code starts with the letter "G" for Geek, |