"Энди Макнаб. Немедленная операция (engl) " - читать интересную книгу автора

"Let's get the kettle on, boys, and we'll sit down and watch some
television. I've had this for years and years: They say there's a threat on
me, and all you lads come down and look after us for a couple of days. I
wouldn't take it too seriously if I were you. But it'll be interesting to
see what happens. It's a cold night; I can't see them coming out in this."
It was a beautiful house. The kitchen was boiling hot, with a Rayburn
going full tilt on one side and a huge kettle steaming away on one of the
hot plates. He shooed away the flask and sandwiches he saw me bring in.
"Forget that horrible stuff," he said. "I'll do us a decent cup of tea, and
there's pie and things cooking in the Rayburn."
. It was a still and icy cold night. I was so glad to be inside,
stuffing my face with pies and tea, instead of lying in an OP in a bush.
Frank and Boss S were watching the telly with him in the front room. Eno and
I were in the kitchen, sitting in armchairs that we'd pulled up near the
large double-glazed back door. All the lights were off; nobody would be able
to see us. We sat with our feet up on pouffes, our weapons resting across
t'he arms of the chairs. It was a brilliant way to go to war.
There was no way the players would come to the front of the house; it
was one of those places where the front door had never been used.
From our armchairs we had a grandstand view of the approach that we
reckoned they'd use. They were very unlikely to drive in; they'd be coming
across country and entering via the back. If they did, they wouldn't be
Eno whispered, "I'm gagging for a fag."
"Why the fuck do you smoke?" I said. "It costs too much, and you
"Yeah, but it's good for the training. The old kickstart. I'll give it
up one of these days."
The still of the night was shattered by Fraser coming on the net to us:
"Everybody, sort your shit out,"TCG wants you down at the Drumrush Lodge
now. Nobody knows what's going on, but everyone needs to get down there.
I'll give you sitreps if anything comes in. Get down there-now!"
Frank said, "Roger that. We're on our way."
We got our kit together and went to the van.
Frank said, "Boss, you map-read, I'll drive. Andy and Eno, in the
The U.D.R boy waved us off a- nd said, "Don't worry about me. I've got
more shotguns and Mars bars than you can shake a stick at. See you later."
Fraser came back on the net: "A few minutes ago a woman phoned the
R.U.C station at Kesh. She said, 'Listen carefully, this is the Fermanagh
Brigade of the IRA.
There are a number of blast incendiaries in the Drumrush Lodge Hotel.
The reason for this is that the Drumrush Lodge serves the bastards of the
security forces."
" The weather was horrendous. The mist was heavy, 226 with visibility
down to no more than twenty to thirty meters, and ice on the road was
slowing everybody down. As soon as we went over about 30 mph, we started
skidding. It was better just to slow down, take the vehicle to a maximum
speed of about 25 mph; at least we would get there, not crash and lose 25
percent of the troop's effectiveness.