"Viktor Pelevin. Kroger's Revelation " - читать интересную книгу автора

Suddenly a rarefaction arose in the back, and an obscure silhouette appeared
from it. When it approached, I distinguished an old man of very old age, with
a large beard and a thin belt around a white peasant shirt. In one hand he
carried a burning candle, and in the other one - several brown books with his
own image, extruded on the cover. A medical mirror with an opening in the
middle was fastened on the old man's head, like those that are used by
otolaryngologists, and following him was a white horse, harnessed into a
spring carriage in the form of a decorative plow.
When approaching me, the old man threatened me with a finger, then put down
his books on the lower plane of the surrounding space, fastened the candle on
them, jumped on the horse and did a few laps around the candle, carrying out
complex gymnastic moves on the horse's back. During this, the mirror on his
head sparkled so unbearably, that I was forced to turn away, and the demon
"Poppel" passed into the state "empty pipe". Then the candle faded, and at
the same time the accordion quieted down. (The whole time, an accordion was
playing somewhere far away - a Russian kind of a manual organ.)
Following that I found myself in the astral tunnel N 11, through which I
returned to the meditative bunker of the academy.
Leaving the meditation, I immediately got started with the current report.
Heil Hitler!

Junior imperial magician Kroger.



"Annenerbe", to Wolf


1. Who put Kroger in jail for the report? Immediately release him. This man
is a patriot of the fuhrer and Germany.

2. I didn't understand what Jupiter had to do with this. Maybe it was Saturn
after all? Have the astrology department check this out.

3. Conduct a reconstruction of the revelation, and present a protocol and

4. That's it.

Heil Hitler!