"Viktor Pelevin. Kroger's Revelation " - читать интересную книгу автора


(I don't know about you, Wolf, but I'm always amused by this pun.)


To Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler

Work note. ("About Kroger's revelation")


The significance of T. Kroger's revelation for the Reich is immeasurable.
It's possible to say that it crowns the prolonged activity of "Annenerbe" in
the study of tactics and strategies of the communist plot, and draws a line
under one of its most ominous chapters.
As is known, after the destruction of the majority of the literate population
of Russia, many encoded texts of major von Lennen's reports to the Main
Control, covered up as senseless Russian texts, there received propagation as
so called "works". Among them - a report "About the mobilization of the third
Past-Amur division to the western border" (Encoded - "Leo Tolstoy as a mirror
of the Russian revolution".)
In the mystic system of Molotov and Kaganovich, on which the control of the
country is based, the Russian text of this encoding and especially its title
are given a gigantic importance. Initially Stalin (At present supposedly -
Serop Nalbandyan) and the people around him took Kaganovich's thesis, that
claimed that you had to understand this phrase literally. Such a setup
entails the following conclusion: by manipulating the mirror reflecting the
Russian revolution, it is possible to attain the displacement of its
reflection on any other state, which leads, according to the laws of
sympathetic connection, to an analogous revolution in the chosen country.
This conclusion was made by Kaganovich, according to the Abver data, over 2
years ago. However difficulties arose with the practical realization of this
idea. The construction of a giant reflector in the area of the Yasnaya
clearing, that was supposed to send a ray to the moon, and from the moon -
back to earth, was stopped due to insufficient accuracy of the calculations.
At this point, the reflector construction is stalled (see Img.1).
Continuing. About half a year ago Molotov came to the conclusion, that the
specularity of Leo Tolstoy is spiritually-mystical, and the reflecting
function can be realized with the aid of the publication of a new collection
of the writers works, the coefficient of reflection of which will be
increased through the exclusion of ideologically unacceptable works such as