"Дон Пендлтон. Chicago Wipe-Out ("Палач" #8) " - читать интересную книгу автора

Turk turned a relieved grin to a crew chief. "Okay, get that hotel crew
busy. There ain't no storm, no where, going to keep me off of this Bolan's
ass. We're going to nail this guy, Bernie. We're going to nail him tonight
The storm signals were flying, for everyone but Larry the turkey-maker.
He was brewing a personal storm of his own making.
For that matter, so was Pete the Hauler.

Jungle lesson

Bolan sat cross-legged on the bed, staring thoughtfully at the still
form beside him. He gently nudged a shiny hip and said, "Hey...
sleepyhead... time to rise and shine."
Her eyelids fluttered half open and she peered out at him through
curling lashes. "Not asleep," she murmured. "Are you an angel?"
"Not hardly," he replied, grinning. "Do I look like one?"
She smiled back and gently stirred herself. "Not hardly. But if this is
heaven, then you must be an angel."
He said, "Wrong on both counts. This is hell, lady. Or it's likely to
be if we don't get moving."
Her eyes opened fully. "But I thought..."
"That we were home clean?" He shook his head. "This is just a rest
area. We've got to be up and on. And the sooner the better." He rolled off
the bed and went into the bath, returning immediately with his clothing.
"Gosh, you're a beautiful thing," she told him. "I think men should be
required to run around like that all the time. It would sure brighten us
girls' lives."
Bolan grinned and said, "That's carrying women's lib a bit far, isn't
it?" He reversed his thermal skinsuit, turning the white inner surface to
the outside, and began getting into it. "You'd better get it in gear. I'm
leaving here in five minutes, with or without you."
"Five minutesl" she squealed. She leapt off the bed and dashed into the
bath, calling back, "I thought you told me you had some sort of deal. About
me, I mean."
He replied, "For what it's worth, yeah."
"Well just what is it worth?"
"It's a confusion factor, that's about all. I figure it may have bought
us a couple of hours, and maybe a temporarily divided enemy camp. But we
can't bet on even that."
"But surely we're safe herel" she cried. "I mean, after all, they can't
search every room in Chicago, can they. Can they?"
Bolan strapped on the Beretta and told her, "Sure they can. That's the
whole game, at this point. I threw down the gauntlet, and it hit them right
across the face. At the time, I hadn't planned..." He paused and changed the
direction of his explanation. "I changed the battle plan a little - and now
it's their offensive, not mine. And, yeah, they'll be searching."
"Well, what are we going to do?" She emerged from the bath and went to
the parcels Bolan had brought in earlier. Her eyes collided with the Beretta
and Bkipped hastily away.