"Дон Пендлтон. The Iranian Hit ("Палач" #42) " - читать интересную книгу автора

Don Pendleton

The Iranian Hit

The Executioner - 42

OCR Binwiped


Stop the Assassination!
The directive came from the White House, and the target was less than
twenty miles away in an affluent Maryland suburb.
For Mack Bolan it was a very strange assignment: tooprotect a
high-level Iranian exile, General Eshan Nazarour, from imminent
assassination. It became stranger still when the generals beautiful American
wife was kidnapped. Immediately the intrigue, violence - and murder - began
to form a familiar pattern. Organized crime was getting involved with
foreign subversion. The maze of treachery and terrorism could lead to only
one conclusion - the deadly presence of the Executioner: Mack Bolan!

Don Pendleton
The Iranian Hit

There are plenty of devices for shunning death in
every kind of danger if a man sticks at nothing in
word or deed. But... the difficulty does not lie so
much in avoiding death as in avoiding dishonor. For
she runs faster than death.

Dishonor is, in itself, a form of death; in the
end, the worst form, because it degrades the soul. We
take to God only what we give to Life. I will not give
it dishonor.
Mack Bolan, "The Executioner"


There were times when it would seem to a rational man that the whole
world had gone crazy. But Mack Bolan knew that it had not. There were a lot
of crazy people, sure - and even a few lunatic nations; these could not,
however, state the case for the planet earth. The state of the planet was
complexity, not insanity. Complexity, Bolan knew, was a natural consequence
of growth. As the world's human population increased, and as individuals
within that population continued to expand and evolve into smarter and more
perceptive humans, then the problems of living together on this crowded