"Igor Severyanin. Selected Poems " - читать интересную книгу автора

The soul sings and bursts for the fields and
I come to strangers and say "hey."
What spaciousness I feel! What freedom!
What songs and flowers in my way!

Soon - vanish into the young meadows!
Soon - into snowdunes, full of bliss!
To look in pink faces of women,
Like friend, an enemy to kiss!

Make noise, the springtime forests mighty!
Bloom, lilac bushes! Grow tall, grass!
No sinners: Everyone is righteous
On a day so divinely blessed!

Oblivion in Sin

All joy - in the past, irretrievable and evanescent
But in the present - prosperity and despair.
The heart is tired and thirsts in fire at sunset
Of love and passion - its lured by freedom from care.

The heart is tired of prosperitys narrow confines,
Its in despair, in chains, in complete distress...
Despairs to dream, and to trust, and in darkened numbness
It pulses with sadness, in cast of laziness...

And life charms and conjures, and with the trail
Of family weekdays lures somewhere...
To hearts chagrin: it fears with its betrayal
To end its prosperity in sunset hour.

It is empowered with motherhood and with loyalty,
It fears to leave his loved ones like piteous orphans...
But theres no unison, and it beats in loneliness
And life passes, and it might tear the cold coffin.

Oh heart, oh heart! Salvation is in your madness!
While you can burn and beat, burn and keep beating!
Sin braver! May do-gooder come way of mummies:
In sin - oblivion! And there - no bullet or rail can reach me!

Youre loved, sick heart! Youre loved, loved all out!
Love in response! In greeting! Yes, love in ardor!
And be at peace: Live - rightly! And vanquish doubt!
Be joyful, heart: Youre young! Beat loud and harder!