"Arcady And Boris Strugatsky. Prisoners of Power" - читать интересную книгу автора

unusually tear-resistant. Chemical analysis...and arrived at the following
conclusion: (1) The specified object is a pair of trousers, one quarter of
standard length, that could be worn by either men or women; (2) The style
does not conform to any known standard pattern and cannot, therefore,
properly be called a style, as the trousers were not sewn or made by any
known method; (3) The trousers are made of a resilient silvery cloth that
cannot properly be called cloth, as microscopic analysis failed to reveal
its structure. The material is fire-resistant, wrinkle-resistant, and
unusually tear-resistant. Chemical analysis... .H'm, strange trousers. We
must find out what they are. I'll have to make a note of this." (He wrote in
the margin: "Kokh. Why no accompanying explanation? Where do the trousers
come from?") "So. The technology is unknown in ourThe technology is unknown
in our country as well as in other civilized nations (according to prewar
data)country as well as in other civilized nations (according to prewar
The prosecutor put aside the conclusion. "That's enough about trousers.
Trousers are trousers. Let's see what else we have here. Record of Medical
Examination.Record of Medical Examination. Interesting. What a low blood
pressure! And his lungs! Oh, what's this? Traces of four lethal wounds.
Peculiar, sounds like mysticism. Aha! See testimony of witness Chachu and
defendant Gaal.See testimony of witness Chachu and defendant Gaal. But,
seven bullets! Some discrepancy here: Chachu testifies that he used the gun
in self-defense, but Gaal states that Sim only wanted to take away Chachu's
pistol. Well, that's none of my business. Two bullets in the liver - too
much for a normal man. Twists coins, can run with a man on his shoulders.
Aha, I've gone over this already. I remember thinking when I read it that
this fellow was abnormally strong and that such types are usually stupid.
That's as far as I got. What's this? Ah, my old friend. Abstract from Report
of Agent 711. Sees without difficulty on a rainy night (can even read) and
in complete darkness (distinguishes objects, sees facial expressions up to
ten yards away); possesses a very keen sense of smell and taste: identified
individuals in a group by odor; to settle a dispute, identified drinks in
tightly corked containers; can orient himself anywhere in the world without
a compass; can determine exact time without a watch... The following
incident occurred: a precooked fish was purchased which he forbade us to
eat, claiming it to be radioactive. He himself ate the fish, stating that it
was not dangerous for him. He did not become ill, although radiation
exceeded three times the permissible level (almost seventy-seven units)."
Abstract from Report of Agent 711. Sees without difficulty on a rainy
night (can even read) and in complete darkness (distinguishes objects, sees
facial expressions up to ten yards away); possesses a very keen sense of
smell and taste: identified individuals in a group by odor; to settle a
dispute, identified drinks in tightly corked containers; can orient himself
anywhere in the world without a compass; can determine exact time without a
watch... The following incident occurred: a precooked fish was purchased
which he forbade us to eat, claiming it to be radioactive. He himself ate
the fish, stating that it was not dangerous for him. He did not become ill,
although radiation exceeded three times the permissible level (almost
seventy-seven units)."
The prosecutor leaned back in his chair. "Well, this is just too much