"Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. Probationers (engl) " - читать интересную книгу автора

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky.

Probationers (engl)

© Copyright Arkady and Boris Strugatsky "Стажеры"
© Copyright english translation by Boris Pogoriller borisp(а)unite.com.au
Date: 19 Jun 2004



A massive red and white coach arrived. Departure was announced.
- Alright, off you go, - said Daugeh.
Bykov grumbled:
- We'll make it. By the time they all board...
He watched sullenly how the other passengers entered the bus at
leisure, one by one. About a hundred people were boarding.
- This will take fifteen minutes, at least, - Grisha remarked
Bykov gave him a strict look.
- Button up your shirt, - he said.
- Dad, I'm hot, - Grisha said.
- Do up your shirt, - Bykov repeated. - Don't walk around like a
- Don't look at me, - said Yurkovski. - I am allowed, whilst you aren't
Daugeh looked at him and shifted his eyes. Didn't feel like looking at
Yurkovski - seeing his self-assured flabby face with a surly drooping lower
lip, his heavy monogrammed satchel, his stylish suit made from rare
stereosynthetics. Rather felt like looking up above into the transparent
sky, clear, blue, with not one cloud, not even birds - above the airfield
they were dispersed with ultrasound sirens.
Bykov-junior watched closely by Bykov-senior was buttoning up his
collar. Yurkovski languidly declared:
- In the stratoplane I will order a bottle of mineral water and
Bykov-senior suspiciously inquired:
- The liver?
- Why necessarily 'the liver'? - said Yurkovski. - I am simply hot. And
it's about time you knew that mineral fizz doesn't help liver bouts.
- Have you at least packed your pills? - asked Bykov.
- Why are you bothering him? - said Daugeh.
Everyone looked at him. Daugeh lowered his eyes and said through