"Michael Stackpole "The Bacta War"" - читать интересную книгу автора

"After the Lusankya and the Virulence return from de-stroying the Yag'Dhul
station, we will head out on the Viru-lence on an inspection tour of facilities.
There will be an accident, we will disappear. It can be arranged."
"Then arrange it." Erisi looked around and toward the viewports displaying the
planet's lush greenery. "Iceheart will find a way to destroy this world I love.
I have no desire to be here when that happens."
"Nor do I, Erisi dear, nor do I."
Corran reached across the table at Flarestar and took Mirax's hand in his.
She gave his hand a squeeze. "Buying dinner was no big deal."
"That's not what I'm thanking you for." Corran glanced down at the table, then
back up at her. "Seeing you sitting there I remember the first time I saw you,
back on Talasea."
Mirax smiled. "Yeah, the lighting is dim enough in here to resemble that world."
He chuckled. "I was remembering how beautiful you looked then and how beautiful
you are now."
"And I remember you cut a rather dashing figure in your flightsuit, then I had
to go and spoil it by bringing our fathers' rivalry into things."
"But we got over that fast. Then I was remembering our last conversation on
Coruscant before we headed out to con-quer a world." His smile shrank somewhat.
"And then I ruined what we were heading for by getting captured by Isard."
"Yet another crime for which she should pay."
"Agreed." Corran sat back as a serving droid started
clearing platters from their table. "A huge chunk of what gnawed at me while I
was on the Lusankya, was knowing you thought I was dead. I didn't want to
presume that my disappearance would have hurt you that much, but I knew how I'd
have felt were our situations reversed."
Mirax nodded solemnly. "And now, in less than a day, we'll be tossed again into
a fight where we both might die . . ."
Corran shot her a wry grin. "You wouldn't be trying to turn this into a 'sleep
with me tonight because tomorrow we may die' thing, would you?"
"Me?" Mirax demurely pressed a hand against her breastbone. "Perish the thought.
I'd never think of taking advantage of you like that-despite having bought you a
lav-ish meal."
"Oh, no?"
"Why not?" Corran sniffed. "Am I not good enough for you?"
"You are that, but, as I recall, you're also already sleep-ing in my bed."
"Good point. It does sort of make this kind of seduction rather moot."
"True, but the flirtation is fun."
"I agree there, too." Corran smiled and tightened his grip on her hand ever so
slightly, doing his best to make sure he didn't feed the pressure building in
his chest into his hand. "And I can't think of anyone I would rather flirt with
and be seduced by than you. In fact, I think we should make it per-manent."
Mirax's brown eyes grew wide. "Lieutenant Corran Horn, are you asking me to
marry you?"
"Look, I know this might seem abrupt. I mean, I know we've been living together
since my return from the grave, but with all our missions and trips and