"Michael Stackpole "The Bacta War"" - читать интересную книгу автора

but I'm not of a mind to take sides in this civil war. Isard and Zsinj are two
examples of countless Imperial holdouts. I'd like to avoid becoming a victim of
future wars."
"You'd rather be caught between us than with us?"
"I'd rather not be caught at all." Karrde's smile carried up into his pale blue
eyes. "Have we a deal?"
"The Provisional Council will have a piece of my hide for this, but, yes."
Cracken stood and nodded to Booster. "The Virulence is yours. Please change the
Booster stood at his end of the table. "I already know what I'll call her: the
Errant Venture."
Corran smiled weakly at General Cracken. "Sorry I couldn't have been of more
"It wasn't the solution I wanted, but it was a solution." Cracken tossed them a
casual salute. "Until later."
Mirax glanced at her chronometer, then stretched lan-guidly. "Two hours until
Wedge's party." She smiled at Cor-ran. "Any ideas about how to kill that time?"
Booster settled his right hand over her left. "Yes, my dear. We're going to
discuss this engagement of yours. My daughter isn't going to marry anyone from
CorSec-they're all of low morals and intellect. Not going to happen. Period."
Corran looked over at Karrde. "You want to help me out here?"
"Do you think you could afford my help, Lieutenant?"
"No, probably not."
Karrde nodded solemnly. "Definitely not. Fortunately for you, however, now
Booster has to pay for my help. We need to head over to the Errant Venture and
pull specs on your weapons."
Booster frowned. "Now?"
"Unless you want Cracken to do it first and leave you
with the weapons most likely to break down, we better do it now."
Booster's eyes narrowed. "This discussion is just delayed, not abandoned."
"Yes, Father." Mirax kissed him on the cheek. "See you in two hours at the
The two smugglers exited the ready-room, leaving Cor-ran and Mirax alone. He
shook his head. "How far away from here can we get in two hours?"
"Not far enough, I'm afraid."
"I'm not looking forward to this discussion of our en-gagement."
"My father may growl like a rancor, but his claws aren't that sharp."
"Oh, that makes me feel lots better. He'll be insufferable for the period of our
engagement, you know."
"Agreed." She took his hands into hers. "However, I think I know a way to
deflect him."
"You'll see." Mirax stood and pulled him up out of his chair. "Come with me,
love, and all shall be made clear to you."
Wedge waited until everyone had been seated in the Lusankya's staff officers'
mess before he stepped behind the podium Emtrey had found and set up on a table
at the far end of the room. He smiled as he faced the motley gathering. Closest
sat his pilots; beyond them the Twi'lek Chir'daki pi-lots who had survived,
including Tal'dira; Captain Sair Yonka of the Freedom; General Cracken and his