"Michael Stackpole "The Bacta War"" - читать интересную книгу автора

skyhook, but we know the safety concerns over the things are well founded. The
Lusankya blasted most of one out of the sky, and the falling debris
obliterated a couple of square kilometers. Grounding the skyhooks in that area
and where the Lusankya blasted out of Coruscant provides housing for the
survivors of those disas-ters and allows the resources used to keep the skyhooks
air-borne to be diverted to other projects."
"Too bad for us, because a skyhook would have been perfect. It would have enough
storage to let us house our equipment when we get it."
Tycho raised an eyebrow. "I think you're more con-cerned that it would provide
Isard with a single target to hit when she comes after us, which she will. It
minimizes collat-eral damage."
"Unless you're living beneath us."
"As was your speculation." Wedge frowned. "The fact is that we've declared war
on Isard, but we're not going to be indiscriminate in waging that war. She knows
no such restric-tion on her actions. In reality, we shouldn't be looking at any
headquarters anywhere near Coruscant. There are a bunch of old Rebel bases we
could convert."
"Even if we could get it, I'm not going back to Hoth." Tycho shivered. "I saw
enough snow there to last me a dozen lifetimes."
"Which is about what it takes to burn that Hoth cold from your bones." Wedge
shook his head. "No, I was think-ing about Yavin 4 or Talasea. Endor would be
nice, but the Ewoks would be targets for her."
A chime sounded from the door. Wedge looked up and said, "Open."
The door slid open to reveal a flame-haired man of above-average height wearing
the uniform of a Captain in the New Republic Armed Forces. He started to salute,
then hesi-tated, then completed the gesture in a crisp and respectful manner.
Wedge smiled and stood behind the table. He returned the salute, then waved the
man into the office and toward a chair. "Good to see you again, Pash. I see
you've got your rank back. You're rejoining your flight group?"
Pash Cracken nodded, then shook hands with both
Tycho and Wedge before seating himself. "Good to see both of you as well." His
green-eyed gaze flicked down at the floor for a moment. "I really wish I were
going to be with the rest of you. Just say the word, Wedge, and I'm a civilian."
The pain in Pash's voice started a sympathetic aching in Wedge's chest. "We'd
love to have you with us, but there's no way you can resign and join us. Your
father's the head of Alliance Security. If you came with us there would be no
way anyone would believe we're operating independently. I know you'd not be
reporting to your father, but the appearance would cause trouble for the New
"I know." Pash took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I'm back as part of
Commander Varth's wing. While the bulk of the fleet is off chasing Warlord
Zsinj, we're being pulled Core-ward to cover some of the sectors where Zsinj
used to run around. It's going to be something of an adven-ture for our people,
because we'll be staging from Folor, that moon base orbiting Commenor."
"I remember it well." Wedge smiled. "Not a lot of crea-ture comforts there."
"It'll beat what we've got out on Generis. It's backward enough that most folks
there don't even realize the Old Re-public has fallen."
Tycho smiled. "And they're wondering why nothing new is being shipped from