"Michael Stackpole "The Bacta War"" - читать интересную книгу автора

"That's pretty much it." Pash leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees.
"Our patrol area includes Yag'Dhul, the system that is home to the Givin. One of
our initial exercises involves going in and rendering the space station there
unin-habitable so Warlord Zsinj won't have it as a place to which he can
Wedge frowned. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but Zsinj hasn't been anywhere near
that station since we hit it and stole his bacta."
"So it seems." Pash shrugged. "Anyway, my flight group has the job of denying
this station to Zsinj. I was thinking that perhaps you might like to stage your
operations out of that station. It would deny it to Zsinj and would provide you
a decent fighting platform from which to work. It's conve-
nient to Coruscant and Thyferra as well as to a number of other worlds."
Wedge's brown eyes narrowed. "And would allow you to wander by and help out if
we got into trouble."
Pash sat back and feigned surprise. "Why you didn't think that was what I had in
mind, did you? Not at all. I mean, yes, my people might avail themselves of the
station if we needed to stop-no way I'm going to set down on Yag'Dhul. The
weather is too unpredictable to allow us to use it as a viable staging area."
"Point taken."
Tycho nodded. "The station would make for a good stag-ing area. If Pash were to
report that it had been rendered uninhabitable, then Isard might be led to
believe it's junk. There's no doubt in my mind that at some point she'll find
out where we are and come after us, but an operational space platform has to be
a bit more daunting than a skyhook or a warehouse here on Coruscant."
"Definitely seems like this is our best choice." Wedge nodded, then smiled at
Pash. "Thanks a lot. You've solved one of our major problems. We now have a
"I hoped you'd say that." Pash smiled broadly. "I ship out at the end of the
week. I'll be back in an A-wing, but that's not so bad. We'll keep the station
safe for you until you can come out and take possession, and we'll transmit
reports about its destruction just to keep folks guessing."
"I appreciate it." Wedge frowned for a moment. "Pash, when you joined Rogue
Squadron, you said you wanted to join to get a perspective on how well you fly
and fight. You wanted to be part of the best unit going to find out if you
really were as good as you have been told you are. Did you get that perspective?
Are you comfortable going back to your own unit?"
Pash sat back, his brows knitted with concentration. "I think I did get that
perspective, Wedge. Granted, I've only been with the Rogues for a short time,
but we did some fairly nasty flying. I don't think any fight I've been part of
before or since flying a Headhunter through a blacked-out city in the middle of
the mother of all thunderstorms will match that
experience. That was flying by instinct, by skill, and by luck. I made shots and
pulled maneuvers I never would have thought possible. After that performance I
almost wish there was an-other Death Star up there for me to take a shot at."
"I'd not go that far, Pash." Wedge shared a grin with Tycho. "You are good, very
good. The Imps have every right to fear you."
"Thanks, Wedge. It means a lot coming from you." The pilot brushed fingers back
through his red hair. "As for my being comfortable returning to my unit, yeah,
I'm okay there, too. One thing being with Rogue Squadron taught me is that to be
a unit, everyone has to pull their own weight. I've been afraid that my people