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of a Frenchman could be no matter of surprise.

"Our next discovery," continued the count, "was that a new coast
had been upheaved right along in front of the coast of Tripoli,
the geological formation of which was altogether strange, and which
extended to the north as far as the proper place of Malta."

"And Malta," cried Servadac, unable to control himself any longer;
"Malta--town, forts, soldiers, governor, and all--has vanished
just like Algeria."

For a moment a cloud rested upon the colonel's brow, only to give
place to an expression of decided incredulity.

"The statement seems highly incredible," he said.

"Incredible?" repeated Servadac. "Why is it that you doubt my word?"

The captain's rising wrath did not prevent the colonel from replying coolly,
"Because Malta belongs to England."

"I can't help that," answered Servadac, sharply; "it has gone
just as utterly as if it had belonged to China."

Colonel Murphy turned deliberately away from Servadac,
and appealed to the count: "Do you not think you may have made
some error, count, in reckoning the bearings of your yacht?"

"No, colonel, I am quite certain of my reckonings; and not only can
I testify that Malta has disappeared, but I can affirm that a large
section of the Mediterranean has been closed in by a new continent.
After the most anxious investigation, we could discover only one narrow
opening in all the coast, and it is by following that little channel
that we have made our way hither. England, I fear, has suffered grievously
by the late catastrophe. Not only has Malta been entirely lost,
but of the Ionian Islands that were under England's protection,
there seems to be but little left."

"Ay, you may depend upon it," said Servadac, breaking in upon
the conversation petulantly, "your grand resident lord high
commissioner has not much to congratulate himself about in
the condition of Corfu."

The Englishmen were mystified.

"Corfu, did you say?" asked Major Oliphant.

"Yes, Corfu; I said Corfu," replied Servadac, with a sort
of malicious triumph.