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The officers were speechless with astonishment.

The silence of bewilderment was broken at length by Count Timascheff
making inquiry whether nothing had been heard from England,
either by telegraph or by any passing ship.

"No," said the colonel; "not a ship has passed; and the cable is broken."

"But do not the Italian telegraphs assist you?" continued the count.

"Italian! I do not comprehend you. You must mean the Spanish, surely."

"How?" demanded Timascheff.

"Confound it!" cried the impatient Servadac. "What matters whether
it be Spanish or Italian? Tell us, have you had no communication
at all from Europe?--no news of any sort from London?"

"Hitherto, none whatever," replied the colonel; adding with a
stately emphasis, "but we shall be sure to have tidings from
England before long."

"Whether England is still in existence or not, I suppose,"
said Servadac, in a tone of irony.

The Englishmen started simultaneously to their feet.

"England in existence?" the colonel cried. "England! Ten times
more probable that France--"

"France!" shouted Servadac in a passion. "France is not an island that
can be submerged; France is an integral portion of a solid continent.
France, at least, is safe."

A scene appeared inevitable, and Count Timascheff's efforts to conciliate
the excited parties were of small avail.

"You are at home here," said Servadac, with as much calmness
as he could command; "it will be advisable, I think,
for this discussion to be carried on in the open air."
And hurriedly he left the room. Followed immediately by the others,
he led the way to a level piece of ground, which he considered
he might fairly claim as neutral territory.

"Now, gentlemen," he began haughtily, "permit me to represent that,
in spite of any loss France may have sustained in the fate
of Algeria, France is ready to answer any provocation that affects
her honor. Here I am the representative of my country, and here,
on neutral ground--"