"Английский язык с М. Муркоком" - читать интересную книгу автора (Франк Илья)

paintings brushed on velvet (наполненные картинами, написанными на бархате;
to brush - чистить щеткой, причесываться; рисовать), marble and glass
(мраморе и стекле) by Prince Khlonskey's artist ancestors
(предками-художниками принца Клонски; by - через, посредством). And there
were libraries filled with manuscripts (библиотеки, полные манускриптов;
manuscript - рукопись, манускрипт) written by members of both the Vadhagh
and the Nhadragh races (написанных представителями расы как вадагов, так и
надрагов; member - член, представитель; both... and... - и... и..., как...
так и). And elsewhere in Castle Erorn (в других местах замка Эрорн;
elsewhere - где-то в другом месте; где-либо еще) were rooms of statues (залы
скульптур; statue - изваяние, статуя), and there were aviaries and
menageries (вольеры для птиц и зверинцы), observatories (обсерватории),
laboratories (лаборатории), nurseries (детские комнаты), gardens (сады),
chambers of meditation (покои /для/ медитаций; chamber - комната, палата,
опочивальня), surgeries (операционные), gymnasia (гимнастические залы; ед.
ч. - gymnasium), collections of martial paraphernalia (коллекции оружия;
martial - военный, воинский; paraphernalia - личные вещи, атрибуты),
kitchens (кухни), planetaria (планетарии; ед. ч. - planetarium), museums
(музеи), conjuratoria (залы для занятий оккультизмом; conjuration -
заклинание, колдовство, чары), as well as rooms (были также помещения; as
well as - так же как, кроме того) set aside for less specific purposes
(оставленные для менее определенного = не такого специального назначения; to
set aside - откладывать /в сторону/, не касаться; purpose - намерение,
назначение, замысел), or rooms forming the apartments of those (помещения,
служившие покоями тех = тем; to form - придавать форму, образовывать,
создавать; apartment - /меблированные/ комнаты, жилище) who lived in the
castle (кто жил в замке).

fused [fju:zd] eminence [?em?n?ns] turrets [?t?r?ts] smoothed [smu:?d]
course [k?:s] fountain [?faunt?n] ancestors [??ns?st?] statue [?st??u:]
aviaries [?e?vj?r?z] martial [?m?:?l]

Castle Erorn was so ancient that she seemed to have fused entirely with
the rock of the huge eminence that overlooked the sea. Outside, it was a
splendour of time-worn turrets and salt-smoothed stones. Within, it had
moving walls which changed shape in tune with the elements and changed
colour when the wind changed course. And there were rooms full of
arrangements of crystals and fountains, playing exquisitely complicated
fugues composed by members of the family, some living, some dead. And there
were galleries filled with paintings brushed on velvet, marble and glass by
Prince Khlonskey's artist ancestors. And there were libraries filled with
manuscripts written by members of both the Vadhagh and the Nhadragh races.
And elsewhere in Castle Erorn were rooms of statues, and there were aviaries
and menageries, observatories, laboratories, nurseries, gardens, chambers of
meditation, surgeries, gymnasia, collections of martial paraphernalia,
kitchens, planetaria, museums, conjuratoria, as well as rooms set aside for
less specific purposes, or rooms forming the apartments of those who lived
in the castle.

Twelve people lived in the castle now (двенадцать человек жили в замке