"Как избежать врачебных ошибок" - читать интересную книгу автора (Ригельман Ричард К.)


1. Lipp M.R. Respectjul treatment: a practical handbook of patient care (Zrlded.). New York: Elsevier, 1986.

2. Osier, Sir WlUia.m.Aphorismsfrom his bedsuie teadungs and writings. In W.B.Bean (ed.). New York: Henry Schuman, p.36, 1950.

3. Hilfiker D. Healing the wounds: a physician looks at his work. New York: Pantheon Books, p.83, URS.

4. Mizrahi Ò. Managing medical mistakes: ideology insularity and accountability among internists in training. Sac. Sci. Wed. 19(2):135–146,1984.

5. Cannichael D.H. Learning medical fallibility. South Med. J. 78(2):l-3, 198*.

6. Alpert J.S., Wittenberg SM.A clinician's companion: a study guide for effective and humane patient care. Boston: Little, Brown, p.30, 1986.