"Записки недопросветленного. Поэзия" - читать интересную книгу автора (Лайтбрингер Тимонг)

Я не пастух, я не лакей

I am a light in the darkest night, I am a stone on the road that is right, I am a mead in a sorrow's potion, I am but a tear in a life’s ocean. I am not one to follow, I am not one to blame, And my pass won't be sorrowed, Thus I don't feel ashamed. I am not of the chosen, I am not of the right - I am just but a mortal Who is simply not blind. And I don't see the future, And I can't alter souls, I am but a life's teacher Who has no selfish goals. And as long as I'm here Standing fast, holding ground, You may not have the fear For new life is around. All to see you are happy Lightened ones, helping others, So one day in the long last I can call you “my brothers”.