"The Young Swappers" - читать интересную книгу автора (Thomas Raymond)


That afternoon marked a turning point in the lives of both Joel and Faye. They got together periodically whenever they felt that they could stray from their spouses without creating suspicion.

One afternoon some two weeks after their first encounter, they were enjoying a particularly satisfying sex encounter.

Joel enjoyed one thing above all in his dealings with Faye-her uninhibitedness.

Whereas he could extend things with Faye as far as he wanted to, he continued to encounter nothing but resistance at home from Sheila.

After a number of kissing preliminaries had P been gotten out of the way, he sat on the edge of the bed, his legs spread invitingly.

Joel wanted lovely young Faye to drop down to her knees, and she immediately did so, lowering her smooth nude body downward to the floor, manipulating her sinuous hips as she did so.

He looked at her velvety skin, reaching out and fondling her nipples. He noticed how they immediately hardened upon his sturdy, determined touch.

“Go ahead and suck,” Joel said excitedly.

She reached up and began by slipping her tongue against his balls, recognizing that she had found a highly erogenous zone and seeking to do the most that she could about it.

Her tongue began with smooth, decisive strokes, plunging repeatedly against his testicles, making him feel alive with passion.

As her tongue kept on winding its way around his balls, she reached out with her trembling fingers, permitting them to slide up and down the full length of his silky peter.

She worked her fingers like a woman with a purpose, recognizing that her goal was to get her lover just as hot as she could before receiving the juices from his dick.

Her fingers explored with a sense of urgency, pumping new life with every succeeding touch into his already supercharged organ, which was swollen with pleasure and mounting urgency.

She kept up the ball sucking as long as she deemed it advisable, then switched to the cock action. She manipulated her tongue with swift decisiveness, slipping it up and down the smooth tip of his enormous rod.

While the activity continued, she reached down and toyed with his balls, determined to give him plenty of activity around his testicles while she was sucking his penis and moving him toward climax on that front.

The longer she kept up her piercing stabs over the full length of Joel’s cock, the more enchanted he became with her stroke technique. After a while his whole body began to sway from her excellent stroke efforts.

While Faye continued manipulating her tongue skillfully up and down the full length of his rod, Joel reached out and touched her breasts once more.

He knew just how to get a sexual rise out of her. He would move his fingers forward and clasp them around her breasts, then bring them into contact with her nipples.

With sturdy energy he kept up his unswervingly devoted movements. He knew that he would be benefiting himself by giving Faye that kind of concerted action.

That way she would get that much hotter and suck his cock in that much more of an animalistic fashion. He liked the animal, in Faye, and he wanted her to completely turn herself loose, to drive her tongue at an inspiring level against his cock.

His strategy quickly paid off as she worked her burning tongue up and down his cock with newly discovered electricity. The currents were radiating swiftly throughout Joel’s body as she pumped her head up and down and attacked his cock savagely, driving it with tense zeal, putting everything she could into every movement.

He moved ever closer to climax, getting set to unleash the white juices from his cock.

He was in that limbo state that he liked best. Whenever Joel felt the unbearable itch in his cock and balls, he knew he was in the last throes of the pre-orgasmic state, and it was with a sense of liberation and imminent desire that he would lay back and enjoy the final few strokes of the act.

The itchiness kept mounting, and as he looked down at his balls, which were still being massaged vigorously by Faye’s fingers, he recognized that they had expanded finally to their full measure of spirited joy.

While his balls bulged and his cock extended itself to full length, ready to shoot its thick juices into her mouth, Faye put him through the final stages.

She tickled his balls a few more times, then anxiously awaited his first few droplets of cum.

The sperm began to unload at that point. A few tiny droplets spurted out of the tip of his organ. It was the lull before the big storm, and a few moments later the juices really began to spurt out of the end of his rod.

His whole body shuddered and a huge sigh of relief escaped from his mouth as the juices kept pouring resolutely out of the end of his rod and into Faye’s waiting mouth.

All the while she kept on spiritedly tugging at his balls, giving him every bit of pleasure she could while she was tasting his juice.

He watched as she gobbled with determination, eager to collect every morsel from his cock.

If Faye loved anything even more than the act of sucking his cock and bringing him to the point of orgasm, it was collecting the joys of her desserts after she had gotten” him to shoot.

When she finally turned her tongue loose from the silky head of his still-aroused cock, she was desirous of getting him hot once more so / that he could provide her with some more excitement.

Joel felt a surging sense of determination and as Faye let her fingers move ever so slowly up and down his cock, he knew that it would not take long for her to pump some new life into it.

His penis had faded little in the immediate aftermath of that huge explosion, but Joel certainly wasn’t about to panic. He knew that the human phallus operated in that manner, and that all it would take would be a few encouraging strokes on the part of Faye to get him back up to where he had previously been.

She used the fingers of both hands to work up and down the base of his tool. As he manipulated, Joel grinned happily, then moved the fingers of both hands through her hair.

He liked the rich and rewarding experience of allowing his fingers to come into contact with the smooth, long locks of blond hair. He also was aware of the fact that, by providing her with some additional strokes, he was making her even more desirous to do the right thing for him.

“You just keep fingering my cock,” Joel said. “I love it. You’re gonna get me up there again, baby, right up there to where I can screw again.”

“You could screw again right now.”

“Oh, sure I could. But I want to get the thing up there even higher. When I fuck with you, baby, it just isn’t two bodies getting together. It’s a happening. The greatest happening of my life. Certainly better than when I jump into the sack with Sheila.”

“Don’t run down poor sweet Sheila,” Faye shook her head as she continued to move her fingers with increasing rapidity over his cock. “I feel sorry for her.”

“I feel sorry for me,” Joel replied with an obvious trace of bitterness.

“But you’re getting great action from me, aren’t you?“

“Certainly I am. But I can’t help but pity Sheila. Sure she has a gorgeous man like you and she just doesn’t know how to keep him happy.”

“Let’s forget about her.”

“All right, I’ll just concentrate on what we’re doing now.”

“That’s the ticket.”

She worked her fingers at a quicker pace than before, and Joel smiled happily as he saw his cock skyrocketing back up to the same level of satisfaction that it had been at prior to the time that he orgasmed.

“You can turn loose now,” he finally told her.

She quickly removed her fingers from his cock. He leaned forward and looked at her, reaching out and permitting his fingers to toy with her nipples.

“I like the way they get hard when I touch them,” he said.

“They do-do that, don’t they?” she laughed.

“They’re the tits that belong to the woman I love.”

With unbridled restraint he got up from the bed and dropped his head down between her breasts. He licked the shadowy valley which separated them, then brought his tongue up against her left breast. He permitted it to slide with brisk eagerness, and the longer that the tongue came into contact with breast, the faster that Faye’s body rotated in direct response to his movements.

He watched as he looked down at the developing saliva, and her skin seemed to sparkle even more zestfully than before from the trail he was leaving as a result of his steady movements.

Once his tongue got through with her left breast, he moved it over to the right. Joel was aware that, if he could get her extra excited from some breast sucking, she would be that much more receptive to any kind of fuck that he wanted to give her.

His cock and balls were steaming with intense desire. He knew that he had to get his rocks off fast inside this beautiful woman, and he knew just what he wanted to do to Faye.

The acts that Joel enjoyed the most with Faye were the very ones that be had been denied in his marital relationship with Sheila.

He looked down at Faye’s delectable ass cheeks, removing his tongue suddenly from her breasts and fondling her buttocks. He touched the smooth ivory texture of her skin, feeling with enthusiasm as his fingers picked up the cue. The longer that they reached out and pinched her buttocks, the greater the self-propelled urgings within him became.

While his fingers continued to grip her creamy ass cheeks, he shifted his position, slipping behind Faye.

“I’m gonna give your ass cheeks a workout,” he laughed.

“It feels good when you pinch them. You’re really being the man. You’re taking charge, Joel, and that’s what I like.”

“I believe in dominating the women I fuck.”

“I believe in a man dominating,” she smiled. “That’s what it’s all about, sweetheart. Just keep your fingers moving. That’s it. Oh, I like it when you finger my butt.”

He gripped her firm yet tender skin resolutely with his fingers.

Faye crouched her body forward, her shaking hands gripping the top of the bed as she flipped her ass upward to make it an even more delectable sight for Joel.

He reached out and spread her legs ever so slightly, so that he would have a perfect shot at her asshole.

The last time he had lucked her in the asshole, she had been lying on her stomach in the bed. This time she would be crouched forward, and he was looking forward to the challenge of a new position. Joel enjoyed variety in Sex whenever possible, and this was one of those occasions. He was determined to make the most of it.

While she retained her position, her ass cheeks wiggling with anticipation, Joel reached out with both hands and fingered her buttocks some more.

His strong fingers authoritatively took charge, pushing ever deeper against her warm, inviting skin.

The longer that his fingers surged deep into the skin of her ass cheeks, the louder that her previously soft moans became.

“You’re getting me ready,” she exclaimed.

“You’re damned right I am. Getting you ready for a great cock assault on your asshole.”

“Tell me more, baby.”

“I didn’t really come to talk,” he laughed.

“As a matter of fact, when the two of us get together, the less said the better.”

“Yes, I guess talking does impede fucking.” ‘Joel worked his fingers for a few more moments against her ass cheeks, then swiftly withdrew them.

He recognized that it was time to work his index finger against her asshole, so with that objective squarely in mind, he reached out with his right index finger and allowed it to penetrate inside her hot ass.

Joel liked the way that her whole body began to corkscrew, particularly her buttocks, when he directed his finger into her anus.

Her body kept flipping back and forth under the steady impetus of his finger action. He drove his finger forward at an accelerated pace, making certain that, as he did so, he pumped deeper than before.

He drove his finger as high as it would go inside her asshole, pumping it frantically as he sustained his pace.

‘Puck my asshole,” she exclaimed with a sigh. “Keep up the finger fucking, darling. You really know how to let your finger dart inside my ass. I just love it, doll.”

The encouragement made Joel feel that much better as he kept up the pumping, working his finger sharply inside her asshole. With rising intensity, his heart began to pound with frenzied zeal. Also, he found his whole body rocking, waiting in anticipation of the first moment when he would send his surging cock high into her asshole.

Joel finally removed his finger from her anus. He rocked his body back and forth a few times in preparation of his first forward thrust. He then drove his blazing cock forward, letting it enter inside her asshole.

His whole body twisted and tensed as he plunged his pecker deep inside her asshole. This time there would be no smooth, slow preliminary strokes. He was too far gone from that. The steady, earnest finger fucking that he had provided for her asshole previously had gotten him to the point where he was in no mood for anything resembling the preliminaries. It was time to get down to brass tacks, to send his bloated phallus as deep into her asshole as it would go.

His cock was bursting with energy, and every time that he sent it reeling high and deep into her asshole, he felt more thankful over having a hot ass like Faye’s to fuck.

He liked the way that her legs and her ass muscles would tighten and contract every time that he sent his dick surging ever deeper into her anus. She would heave a sigh every few moments, then let him know with her vocal encouragement just how much she enjoyed his decisive strokes.

“Keep your fucks coming,” she gasped. “Keep driving your cock into my asshole, baby. I love what you’re doing for me.”

Even though the incessant strokes, which were delivered with fevered impact, caused her some pain, she did not mind it one bit. It was all in a good cause, and she loved knowing that he was there with every solid inch, constantly penetrating inside her hot anus.

Her buttocks began to wiggle even faster and more freely than before as Joel kept up his dick movements, sending his rod plunging forward deeply inside her asshole.

A few burning strokes later, he reached down and toyed with her ass cheeks. He fondled the firm globes of flesh, then squeezed them with everything that he had.

The stabs continued. The relentless pace was developing as he pushed ever closer to the moment of climax. He had spent a good deal. of time working up to that frenzied level of sexual activity, and now that he was about to spurt his juices inside her, he felt better than ever.

He recalled the lengthy arguments he had had with Sheila about letting herself go and engaging in sex acts that she considered verboten. Perhaps she would not see things from his standpoint, but he had somebody at the moment who definitely would.

As he looked down at her wiggling buttocks once more, he thought about how lucky he was to have an asshole like that to fuck. He kept sending his inflamed phallus ever deeper into her asshole, driving it hard into her rectum as the brutal activity continued.

Sweat began to streak down both sides of his face, and his facial muscles began to tense as he saw himself drawing ever closer to climax.

He squeezed her buttocks for everything he was worth, then heaved one final sigh. Joel knew at that point exactly what was coming.

“I’m gonna cream,” he exclaimed loudly. “I’m juicing in your asshole.”

“Does it ever feel good, my dear,” she smiled, closing her eyes as the spurts of liquid spilled out of the end of the head of his penis.

The hot cream came in thick gobs, and finally it came no more.

At that point Joel immediately loosened, the grip on his lover’s ass cheeks.

“Another bull’s-eye,” he laughed, patting her affectionately on the back.

Joel stretched out in the middle of the bed, resting a little after his second successive orgasm. His face was flushed with a sense of accomplishment.

While he lay there, Faye lowered her beautiful body into bed, stretching it out right next to his.

She made certain that she let her right breast scrape against the side of his body. As her tit touched him, he couldn’t help but twitch a little.

“You’re great, baby, a wonderful piece of ass1” Joel told her.

To emphasize his point, he threw his left arm around her, fondling her lovely body.

“I want some more action,” she said. “You don’t know what you did to me-when you fucked my asshole.”

He looked over at her and smiled.

“Tell me more,” he said.

“Well, for one thing, I’m like pepper down between my legs. My pussy is burning up, darling.”

“That’s fascinating.”

“Isn’t it, though.”

“Just maybe I’ll do something about that this very minute.”

“I wish you would.”

He moved his left hand down between her legs, permitting his fingers to come into contact with her vagina.

He felt the pleasant wetness, working his fingers first against her matted wet pussy hairs, then sliding his fingers down inside her mound.

Systematically he worked his fingers against her velvety vaginal walls, developing intensity within her. While her body twisted with rhythmic satisfaction, enjoying the strokes that he provided, Joel stepped up his pace.

He began to work his fingers more speedily than before, and as he settled into the routine of his act, Faye kicked her legs up and heaved a sigh.

While his fingers darted over her pussy, she found herself growing more acutely aroused.

“I need your tongue,” she finally begged. “Enough is enough, baby, and you’ve given me more finger movements than I can stand.”

“Then I guess I’d better suck your snatch.”

“That’s just about it.”

“The moment has arrived.”

Joel reached out and grabbed her ankles, parting Faye’s legs, then slipping his head between them.

He thrust his tongue out in front of him, pushing his head forward as he came ever closer to his lover’s mound.

With surging enthusiasm he began to work his tongue briskly against Faye’s vagina.

His tongue stimulated her with every soaring thrust, and as he kept up~ his searing pace, she lay back and enjoyed every stroke.

Since Joel had received such brilliant fucks from Faye, he was determined to make it up to her in every way. He wanted to see, to it that she got something of an equivalent nature from him.

He suddenly removed his tongue from her flaming gash. He let his teeth come to rest against her vagina, working them slowly, nibbling ever so lightly against her pussy.

When his teeth came into contact with her clitoris, she began to puff and gasp.

He could see that a new level of excitement had been reached in their stimulating act.

Her legs kicked out as he kept up the nibbling, letting his teeth come into steady contact with her fiery love-pit.

“My cut is going wild,” she sighed, “and so am I. Keep It going, sweetheart.

Oh, keep up those movements.”

He released his teeth from her clitoris when he felt that she was practically on the verge of exploding. He sank his tongue back down deep into her gash, letting it surge with faithful earnestness as he tongued her zealously.

While his tongue was driving at a blistering level against her pussy, he reached out and pinched her buttocks.

The pinching gave him added satisfaction, his tongue basking in the delightful contact he experienced with her mound.

Joel’s tongue kept working its way around her mound as she moved ever closer to the big moment.

Faye finally heaved one last sigh. At that juncture, the juices escaped from her fiery nest. He eagerly gobbled up every droplet that escaped from her passion pit.

Joel couldn’t help but feel more prideful than ever as he released his tongue from her snatch. After receiving the ultimate in sensations from Faye, he in turn turned around and gave her a pussy suck that she would never forget.’

They dressed quickly, determined to get back to their respective spouses so that no one would be any the wiser concerning their activities.

Faye left first, delivering a kiss to Joel’s lips.

“I’ll see you real soon,” Joel said.

“Don’t forget, darling. Let me call you.”

“How ever you want to work it. How about getting together for another foursome?

Maybe I could mention it to Sheila.”

“You think she’d go for it?”

“Maybe I’d better not,” he shook his head. “She’s still acting pretty damn, funny. How about Mickey?”

“I think he probably would by this point,” she nodded.

“We’ll see then what we can do,” Joel said. “I’m like you. I hate these stolen moments. I don’t like doing things this way. I’d rather keep everything strictly out in the open.”

“Me too. Well, goodbye now.”

Seconds later she vanished out the door.

Joel gathered together his things, then left the motel.

Unknown to him, his wife was parked in a car across the street from the motel parking lot.

Sheila Durrell, tears streaming down both sides of her face, had first observed Faye leaving the motel room. Now she was watching her husband Joel climb into the front seat of his car.

She brushed back a few tears, then thought about when she had become suspicious.

One day she had called the garage, discovering that her husband had left some one hour earlier.

It wasn’t like the Joel she knew, she recognized, to just leave the garage and go somewhere without letting her know where he was. He had always been so devoted to her, so considerate when it came to letting her know precisely what he was doing.

When she tried a second time a few days later and discovered that he was gone as well, she began feeling a little suspicious. Finally Sheila had decided to follow her husband, and that was precisely what she had done for the first time that day.

Sheila had discovered the one thing she was hoping she wouldn’t-that her husband was seeing Faye on the sly.