"The Young Swappers" - читать интересную книгу автора (Thomas Raymond)CHAPTER 13When Joel arrived a few minutes after Sheila, the still stunned wife almost erupted angrily at him. She managed to maintain her composure, however, telling herself that the best strategy would not be that of blowing up immediately at her husband. Instead she decided that she would go and see Faye. By talking things over in full with the beautiful blonde wife of Mickey, just maybe she could end the affair. But in any event she looked forward to ironing things out with Joel. She didn’t know whether she would continue to live with him or whether they would get a divorce. But one way or another she wouldn’t allow things to continue in the secretive manner in which they were gravitating at that moment. A few days after Sheila had observed Faye and Joel leaving the motel room, she received a break. Both her husband and Mickey were slated to leave for Fresno, where they would be competing in a race that Sunday. “Would you like to go along?” Joel asked Sheila two nights before he was slated to leave. “I think I’ll stay home.” “Wouldn’t you like to get away from the place for a little while, honey?” “I’d really like to stay home. I could use a little peace and quiet.?’ “Meaning you could get it here alone a lot easier,” he chuckled, a little pathetically, Sheila thought. “I just need the peace and quiet. By the way. Is Faye going along with Mickey?” “No, she isn’t. I guess she’s like you. She needs her peace and quiet.” Sheila heartened by the knowledge that Faye would not be accompanying Mickey to Fresno, planned to get together with Faye. She knew she had to time her meeting for when Faye would be alone. It would be just too embarrassing to discuss the matter out in the open in Mickey’s presence. Sheila knew that it was the type of tense confrontation that should involve only the two wives. On Saturday afternoon, after giving a lot of time and thought to what she would do, Sheila walked over and picked up the telephone. She quickly dialed Faye’s number. “Hello,” she heard Faye’s voice. “Faye, this is Sheila,” she began tightly. “Hello there, dear. So we racing widows are staying home while our husbands are in Fresno,” Faye laughed. “That’s right. I’d like to see you.” “Fine. When?” “Right away,” Sheila said, trying her best not to give away the sense of urgency she felt, even though it was hard. “All right. Would you like to meet for lunch?” “I already ate. I’d like to see you over at your place, if that’s all right.” “Of course. That would be fine. I’ll be looking forward to seeing you. We haven’t talked in quite a while.” “It has been a little while.” “Too long,” Faye laughed pleasantly. “So I’ll be looking forward to seeing you in a few minutes, my dear.” “Good-bye,” Sheila said. Once Sheila hung up the phone, she felt a tenseness tugging at her throat. Before going over there, she decided to have a shot of whisky. Perhaps that would give her a little more inner fortification, making it simpler for her to face up to the question of bringing up an unpleasant matter. She wound up having not one but two shots of Scotch, after which she got into her car and drove over to the apartment shared by Faye and Mickey in Sherman Oaks in the San Fernando Valley. Her legs felt like lead as they walked up the stairs leading to a second-floor apartment. Her heart palpitated, and Sheila in many ways dreaded such a confrontation with Faye. But it was ultimately essential, and she could not put it off any longer. Sheila rang the doorbell, and Faye was there to answer it a few moments later. Faye looked highly attractive clad in a pink blouse and a pair of red shorts. She wore no shoes. “Excuse me, dear, but I was just kinda relaxing,” Faye smiled, holding the door open for Sheila to enter. “I hope you don’t mind me being a little casual.” “Not at all,” Sheila said. “Sit down.” Sheila seated herself on the living room sofa. The longer that she looked at Faye’s fine form, the easier it was for her to see why her husband liked her so much. Her eyes focused on the trim lines of her ivory legs, after which she looked up and observed her firm breasts tugging out at the tight blouse which she snugly wore. “Why don’t I get us both a drink,” Faye smiled. “I’ve got some Vodka. I like to think I mix some of the best Bloody Mary’s in town.” “No thanks. There’s something I want to talk to you about right now, Faye,” Sheila said, her voice trembling slightly. “What’s the problem, dear?” Faye said, her face showing concern as she sat down in a chair across from the sofa. “I know all about what’s happening, Faye I know about every bit of it,” the words gushed forth from Sheila’s mouth. “What are you talking about, honey?” Faye asked. Although Faye was questioning Sheila to the limit, she knew down deep that Sheila had found out about her affair with Joel. “You know what I mean. You’ve been seeing Joel, and quite a bit,” Sheila said. Faye’s eyes dropped downward toward the rug. She sighed then looked over at Sheila. “I’m sorry, dear. I just couldn’t seem to help myself.” “Do you want to divorce your husband?” “Oh, no I love Mickey” “Do you love him more than Joel?“ “That’s an awfully difficult question to answer.” “I’d like an answer,” Sheila shrieked. “After all, you’re taking my husband away from me. I’m entitled to a few answers.” “Please try to be calm, honey.” “How can I be?” Sheila asked as the tears began to roll down her face. “I see your point,” Faye sighed. “No, it isn’t all that easy to be calm considering all that has happened. Well, all I can say is that Joel more or less swept me oft my feet. I was kinda hoping we could have a continuing swap relationship. That way we could continue to be married to our husbands, and we could get in a little experimentation at the same time. I told Joel this, and several times he mentioned trying to get you involved in swapping again. But be said that you were acting strange, and he didn’t think you’d ever go along with it.” “I let my guard down once,” Sheila shook her head. “I wouldn’t ever want to do it again.” “I don’t know if you could call it letting your guard down, dear. You just wanted some extra sensations, a little different experimentation. And you got it.” “I don’t even want to talk about that anymore.” “But you must,” Faye said. “I’m not a lot older than you, honey. Probably just about two or three years. But that does give me a little bit of an edge, I think, especially when it comes to sizing up emotions of people. I’m telling you that you needed that extra satisfaction you got from the affair with Mickey. You shouldn’t have been all that ashamed about it. As a matter of fact, if it hadn’t been for you reacting the way you did, I’m quite sure we would have managed to get together again. Oh, Mickey was a little jealous about the fact that I got along with Joel as well as I did, but he could have eventually been brought into line. No, my dear. It was when you refused to get involved again that your husband got desperate. He told me he needed me, and I just couldn’t say no. After that his charms took over. He is quite a man. Oh, the way he can grind his cock into me.” “I don’t want to hear any more of it,” Sheila shook her head. “Let’s try and face facts, honey. I’m trying to level with you as best I can. I’m trying to be honest.” Sheila paused reflectively for several seconds before replying. “I know you are,” she said, barely above a whisper. “That’s what makes the whole thing tougher for me to accept. You are being very honest, painfully so.” “We’ve all been in a predicament like that at one time or another, where the truth has really hurt. But that makes it all the more necessary for you to hear it.” “Perhaps so,” Sheila said. At that point Faye rose slowly to her feet. • “I think we can both use a drink, dear,” she told Sheila compassionately. “How about me fixing us Bloody Marys?“ Sheila nodded. She scraped some tears away from her eyes, then did her best to smile. Even though she was feeling depressed at that point, she still knew that she had done the right thing in at least bringing the question of her husband’s romance with Faye out into the open. A few moments later Faye returned to the living room, holding a glass in each hand. She extended the glass in her left hand outward toward Sheila, who took it away from her. “Thank you,” Sheila said softly. “You’re quite welcome, my dear.” This time Faye sat down on the sofa, perching her body just a short distance away from Sheila. She maintained steady eye contact with Sheila, looking into her beautiful eyes as she spoke. “You just can’t let anything like this get you down,” she related. “You’re young and very beautiful. You can’t let anything like this throw you.” Faye watched Sheila with growing admiration as the young wife took a long sip from her glass. As Sheila set the glass down on the coffee table in front of her, Faye moved a shade closer to her. Faye began to hungrily eye her body. She liked the way that Sheila was beautifully put together, and she was able to mentally undress the sexy redhead. Faye knew that beneath Sheila’s sparkling yellow dress rested a warm and willing body. It hurt Faye that Sheila had been unwilling to express herself as definitively as she would have in her sex relationship with her husband Joel. At one time Faye had been more strongly attracted to women as a group than she was to men. But all that changed after she met Mickey, and she threw that element of her life completely away, except for an occasional lesbian encounter. Looking at Sheila resurrected those strong feelings within her that she had felt as a younger woman. She had to see what this beautiful redhead looked like undressed. The longer that Faye looked at Sheila, the more she envied Joel for being married to such a lovely female. Even though Faye’s instincts were telling her to plunge ahead full speed with respect to her love for Sheila, she knew that it would be much wiser for her to play it cool. The gorgeous blonde was confident that Sheila had never encountered anything of a lesbian relationship before in her life, and on that basis caution would be the operational watchword for her. She felt an unmistakable tingle between her legs, however, every time that she looked at Sheila. Her pussy sensations were beginning to multiply by leaps and bounds as she kept eyeing the lovely figure of Sheila. Her eyes would one moment take in Sheila’s long, flowing legs, then would move toward her breasts, which infatuated her every bit as much. Faye dreamed of how wonderful it would be for her to slip her tongue with compelling urgency around Sheila’s nipples. She could envision them hardening from her touch, as she worked Sheila into a whirlpool of passion. “Just relax, dearie, you’ve got to learn to take life a little more in stride,” Faye said. Sheila took another gulp from her glass, setting it down. Her body trembled as she looked at Faye. There was a sense of the unknown in her expression, as if she wasn’t quite aware what to expect from her lovely hostess. Faye reached out with her left hand, allowing it to come into scraping contact with Sheila’s left leg. When she did not meet any initial resistance from touching her leg, she began to grip it more tightly than before. All the while Faye maintained a sturdy eye contact with Sheila. Several times Sheila, overcome by it all, had to turn her head away. As Faye continued to touch Sheila’s leg, she let her head move forward ever so slowly. She puckered up her lips, finally letting them come into contact with Sheila’s lips. Even though Faye desired to kiss Sheila hungrily, she felt that that would be a mistake. As a result she instead delivered a tender kiss. She felt that such a kiss would be more conducive toward developing passions within Sheila and causing her to overthrow the yokes of inhibition. Only through a slow approach, she felt, would she attain her ultimate goal, that of getting Sheila to have sex with her. Faye removed her lips from Sheila’s, throwing her arms around the younger girl’s body. “Don’t tremble, honey, just leave everything to Faye,” the beautiful blonde smiled. Sheila said nothing, but her body did continue to tremble. Her instincts were telling her one thing and her judgment powers another. Sheila couldn’t help but wonder if Faye didn’t like her just too much. It certainly looked that way, since she was conveying the same kinds of expressions that her husband bad on those occasions when he was extremely horny for sex. Once more Faye’s lips moved forward, but this time, when they clashed against Sheila’s lips, it was with much greater force than before. Faye allowed her lips to remain locked against those of Sheila for quite some time, after which she suddenly released them and allowed her fingers to maneuver around the soft skin of Sheila’s face. She let her fingertips touch Sheila’s skin with great softness. It was Faye’s intention to hypnotize Sheila into sex through a slow, exploratory movement. The longer that her fingers pressed against the younger girl’s skin the more the number of sensations that began to reel through her body. She felt the burning anxieties arising in her pussy,, and as she finally released her fingers from Sheila’s skin, she moved her tongue forward to Sheila’s mouth. To French kiss with Sheila would constitute her most daring gamble to date. She had moved deliberately at a slow pace, so she wouldn’t shock Sheila. But now the urgings within her were dictating a faster and more pronounced course of action. She permitted her tongue to slip its way inside Sheila’s mouth. Immediately she went to work briskly, allowing the tongue to collide eagerly and repeatedly with hers. While the tongues darted against one another, and as Sheila’s body trembled, Faye reached out and let her right hand move inside of lovely Sheila’s dress. From the very moment that Sheila had arrived at the apartment, Faye had had strong sex vibrations. She had wanted to let her fingers press against Sheila’s breasts. She now had that opportunity, and as her fingertips glided eagerly over her hot tits, she felt compelling urges to go even further with Sheila. Her fingers darted over Sheila’s left breast, then went to work on her right breast. Faye was experienced enough in the art of lovemaking to know that when a woman gets her breasts fingered, she can’t help but feel the hot sensations. She released her tongue from Sheila’s mouth. “This is wrong,” Sheila exclaimed. “We shouldn’t do this, Faye.” “You’re attracted to me, Sheila. You know you are. There’s no reason to be upset.” “But it’s wrong.” “Oh, no. When two people feel the way that we do about each other, then it can’t be wrong.” Once more Faye set her sights on Sheila’s tongue, probing her tongue inside of Sheila’s mouth. On this occasion she permitted her tongue to dance with even greater enthusiasm against Sheila’s than it had on the first occasion. Back and forth the tongues met briskly, setting a swift pace as the flow of activity continued. When Faye released her tongue from Sheila’s mouth, she knew that she had succeeded in wearing down a good deal of the younger girl’s resistance. She went to work next undoing Sheila’s dress. She swiftly unbuttoned it, then began to tug on the front of it. “Hold on, honey, I want to take off your clothes,” Faye said calmly. “Wearing clothes can be so inhibiting, particularly when a person has as beautiful a body as you do. You want to see the whole thing fully on display.” She removed Sheila’s dress from her, setting it down on a chair nearby. Faye couldn’t stop looking at her beautiful lover as she focused her eyes on “Sheila’s lovely breasts, which thrust out against the lines of her bra, and her long, inspiring legs. Faye reached out with both hands, allowing them to grip against Sheila’s thighs. Sheila’s body twitched from the sensations that her lover employed, and as she lay there, softly sighing, the steam began to generate that much more quickly within Faye. Faye reached out and undid the bra strap behind Sheila’s bra. Faye removed the bra with one swift decisive movement, then reached out and made a grab for Sheila’s breasts. She squeezed and fondled them several times, watching them with great anticipation. Finally Faye moved her tongue forward, permitting it to slide slowly and smoothly over her breast. “That’s nice,” Sheila said. “Oh, yes, dear. Maybe it isn’t all that wrong. I don’t know. I just do know that it feels great.” As she lifted her tongue from Sheila’s breast, Faye was filled with one great urge, that of completing the act of undressing Sheila. Her fingers reached down and grabbed hold of Sheila’s panties. She pulled downward at them, swiftly, watching the material crease the sides of her lover’s legs. After removing the soft silky white panties from Sheila’s body, Faye looked down at her lover’s pussy. She admired, the rust-colored pubic hairs, along with the pink vagina which rested beneath them. Her fingers went to work briskly over Sheila’s pussy. Faye was planning on giving her a little bit of itchy sensation before moving on to the next phase of her operation. By running her fingers over Sheila’s mound, Faye succeeded in getting her more excited than ever. When Faye finally removed her fingers from Sheila’s furry vagina, she stood before Sheila. “I’m gonna let you watch me take my clothes off,” Faye smiled. “We want to throw caution to the winds, baby. That’s the only way that you can overcome those hang-ups of yours” Sheila said, nothing, watching with intent fascination as Faye reached out and unbuttoned her blouse. When.she removed the blouse, and permitted Sheila to observe her voluptuous ivory breasts for the first time, Sheila felt her heart pounding more tensely than before. Yes, Sheila had to admit it, she was attracted to Pays. Faye recognized that she was making a favorable impression on Sheila, so she let her breasts dance outwardly, pushing her body forward so that Sheila couldn’t help but see Faye’s breasts in their most erotic and favorable light. While she let her breasts dance before her, Faye reached down and gripped her shorts. She lowered them, quickly, stepping out of them. Sheila heaved a sigh, of excitement when she recognized that Faye was not wearing any panties beneath her shorts. When her eyes made initial contact with Faye’s cunt, Sheila was unable to remove her eyes from the dazzling love button, of the woman who so impressed her. When Faye recognized from Sheila’s expression just how turned on she was becoming with her, it gave her a much greater feeling of confidence. She knew that her efforts were indeed achieving productive results. She sat down next to Sheila on the sofa, reaching out and grabbing Sheila’s body. She pressed Sheila’s skin firmly, holding onto her arms as she pulled her body toward her own. Suddenly their lips met. The delicious sensations abounded within both of them, and their bodies began to tremble from the excitement they generated within each other. |