"The Young Swappers" - читать интересную книгу автора (Thomas Raymond)

Chapter 4

It took some more booze, plus a masterful selling job on the part of both Mickey and Joel, but Sheila was willing to go to Mickey’s suite with him.

Even though she was drunk, the fears still remained. Sheila wasn’t accustomed to doing anything like this, and the only reason she had consented was because of the fact that she had been outnumbered three to one. It shocked her at first to hear her husband discussing the possibility of sex with Faye, and one of the instrumental reasons why she ultimately consented to se with Mickey was due to the fact that she resented her husband’s attitude. She decided that two could play the same game.

As Mickey shut the bedroom door, Sheila began to tremble. Her legs and arms moved with uncertainty as Mickey walked toward her.

She watched him eagerly unbutton his shirt and toss it into a nearby chair. He then did the same thing with his T-shirt.

Mickey looked her way and flexed his muscles several times, then began to remove his trousers. After that, all that was left was for him to step out of his shorts, and when she observed the size of his huge, proud cock, she couldn’t help but feel more fearful than ever.

She could tell that Mickey wasn’t about to spend any time fooling around. His enormous erection told her that. He wanted action quickly, and as he moved toward the bed, her whole body tightened.

She was dressed in slacks and a blouse, and Mickey’s fingers began to fervently undo her blouse. Several times he almost ripped some of the material, since her was so impatient to get the job done.

He tossed her blouse aside, then unhooked her bra, throwing it down on the floor.

He reached forward with both hands, permitting his fingers to slide against Sheila’s lovely, firm breasts.

“I’ve sure wanted to do this for a long time,” he exclaimed. “When we were sitting out there at the swimming pool, I could hardly keep my hands off you. I kept looking at these beautiful tits, wondering how good it would feel to touch them.”

“How does it feel?”

“It feels fantastic.”

The longer that his fingers worked over her firm breasts, the less fearful she found herself becoming.

Even though she was receiving sexual attention from another man, Sheila couldn’t help but admire the way that Mickey was rotating his fingers around her smooth, creamy breasts.

He kept up his finger action for several minutes, after which he decided that he ought to remove her slacks.

He began to pull downward on them, using plenty of force so that he would remove them quickly. He just couldn’t wait to remove her slacks and take off her panties.

Once her finished taking off her slacks, he reached out and grabbed her panties. He slid them speedily down her legs, his cock hardening with greater anticipation than ever as he heard the sounds of the material scraping against her lovely legs.

When he got his first look at Sheila’s rust-colored pubic mound, he became hotter then ever. With great exhilaration he finished removing her panties, then reached out with his left hand and ran his fingertips smoothly over her velvety vagina.

While his fingers were working smoothly, he reached out and delivered a sharp kiss to her lips.

The first time that Mickey’s lips came into contact with Sheila’s, his whole body quivered.

Mickey thought about his wife Faye. He hoped that she was adjusting to Joel as easily as he was adjusting to Sheila.

When he removed his lips from Sheila’s, Mickey was pleased to observe that the beautiful redhead’s body, which had been so tense earlier, was losing some of its stiffness. She was exhibiting a relaxed demeanor, which made him feel very good.

Mickey, whose heart was pounding furiously, felt that he ought to kiss her lips again. So he puckered up and plunged his lips forward, permitting them to meet Sheila’s lips again.

He ended up kissing her lips four times in rapid succession, at which point he slipped his tongue forward and permitted it to surge inside her mouth.

As the tongues collided with breathless ecstasy, Mickey reached out and curled his fingers around Sheila’s breasts.

He continued to be impressed with her lovely boobs, and every time that he gripped his fingers around them, he felt the surging sensations rushing through him dramatically.

The flood tide of passions were mounting inside Mickey, and the longer that he turned his tongue loose inside Sheila’s mouth, the better that everything felt to him.

He finally released his tongue from her mouth, reaching down with both hands and letting them slide down to her buttocks.

He wanted to train his fingers on her beautiful ass cheeks, and after a few stabs, he felt a greater sense of appreciation than ever knowing that he had access to Sheila’s beautiful body., The longer Mickey focused his eyes on her lovely vagina, the more eager he became to turn his tongue loose inside it.

Mickey dropped his head down between Sheila’s long, lovely legs. He let his tongue immediately got to work against her pussy.

A few stabs later, he found himself losing control of the entire situation. His sucking efforts became more rapid than before. As they gained rapidity, he could tell that the blistering pace was beginning to have an effect on Sheila as well.

Her hips were rotating with savage passion back and forth, reacting to his every surging stab. He put everything he had into every tongue effort, and was hip-lashing his tongue forward, pushing her ever closer to climax.

“It feels so good,” she gasped, “oh, Mickey, you’re doing such a beautiful job.

Keep going. Keep sucking me, darling, oh, you’re making me so happy.”

Mickey felt a great sense of accomplishment knowing that he had successfully worn down Sheila’s resistance.

It hadn’t been easy to get her to the point where she would accept the idea of sex with him without any great reservations. But the longer he sent his blazing tongue into her pussy, the better she felt about having sex with him.

His tongue kept maintaining its swift pace inside her mound. He drove her ever closer to climax, clutching at her ass cheeks as he pumped every bit of the life into her pussy that he could through his superb tongue strokes.

Her mound was ablaze with satisfaction, and before they both knew it, she was on the verge of climax.

She heaved a loud sigh then began to deliver her juices into his waiting mouth.

Mickey eagerly accepted every drop of liquid that spilled out Sheila’s burning pussy.

Never had he felt any better about any conquest than he did that moment about succeeding with Sheila. After all, she had been anything but willing in the very beginning, but he had overcome her opposition.